Thistlewatch Rangers

The all female huntresses that originate from Oakton, they are wild and dangerous while their husbands tend to be simple and dim.
  Hailing from the tree town of Oakton, the Thistlewatch Rangers are a formidable group of all-female Bramble Dwarves who have mastered the art of the hunt. Known for their wild and dangerous nature, they stand apart from their simpler and dimmer husbands. The Rangers' expertise lies in their skillful use of bramble Magic bows, a weapon crafted from the enchanted wood of the trees that grow in the region.
  These highly trained huntresses possess unrivaled precision and agility, utilizing their vine-spun arrows to deadly effect. With their deep connection to nature, the Thistlewatch Rangers navigate the dense forests and treacherous terrains with ease, honing their senses to track prey and defend their homeland.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members