Tidesking Maximus Tempest

Oceanking Maximus Hydrest (a.k.a. Max)

The Stormblood and his son, Magnus and Maximus helped seal people home from the storm with an ancient Pacuran rune. Magnus, the Stormblood of Hydri, sacrificed himself to seal the catacombs as the tsunami crashed into the city, saving the party and his son, Maximus.   You explore the catacombs to discover that this is the resting place of the Ocean King. As you enter the record room of the catacombs, you find the gravekeeper murdered and the bones of the ancient ruler taken. Chris finds the Hydri Book of the Dead and Henri finds a history of the Fleet of the Stormblood and the beginnings of the Mutiny. You encounter a specter and a gelatinous cube. Sossori’s body is starting to be pulled back to the realm of her god. Eelisma took the bones to Milos to perform another ritual. Diggory’s son did not have a strong enough bond with the sea goddess. The specter was the angry spirit of Oceanus Tempest, the Ocean King. The spirit disappeared when his bonse left the tomb. As Hydri's new ruler, Maximus asked you to retrieve the bones of his great ancestor. Max reveals that the prophetic Stormblood Kricia of Milos is almost due with his unborn child. He fears Eelisma will sacrifice his child to try and bring Sootha back. He offers you riches once he becomes the Ocean King to protect his unborn baby and his fiancée Kricia. You prepare to head to Milos, the island of seamstresses and sail-weavers. Kricia and Maximus’ child would have the strongest blood connection to the claim of the Ocean Throne. The old lines of 30 years previous were drawn, the weak nations decide to rally against the strong once more. Typhon had the largest army, Zephyr had the largest fleet and Gyaron had the best fighters. All 3 were called to arms when the sea goddess awoke, even though all 3 leader had ulterior motives than just serving the sea goddess.   Through the power of Sossori's death, Henri and Moira were teleported onto the Blackfly. Max sailed by with his fiancée alongside him and took his daughter. He sailed off saying the mutiny will stay strong and take the islands back from Thormund and Borigan. The sun sets as you see an armada of large, Zephyrn ships sailing towards you from the horizon.   Garvin informs you that Maximus, now being dubbed as the Ocean Prince, has put a bounty on any dark elf spy found on Kinaros. Lord Borigan has hired members of The Triade to infiltrate and destabilize his enemy nations.   The real Lady Winella is about to hang the three Triade members who set her town on fire as the Zephyr blockade is destroyed by a large armada of ships bearing a new flag, The Royal Navy. Led by Dove on the Kraken, Maximus on the Howling Porpoise and Quinn on the Golden Fleece. They scare off the southern side of the blockade and bring supplies to their new apply in the Royal Navy, Lady Winella of Kinaros. Towing behind their ships is a repaired Gobsnapper. Knowing you have a ship again you tell Winella to stop the execution.   Max and Kricia introduce you to their daughter Illia, the future princess of Pacura. Kricia, the prophet gives each of you a clam shell with a letter written in it. She even gives you one for Sossori, which you decide to read out loud as a team. Kinaros, Hydri, Milos, Kyra and Eidon in spirit fight against the tyranny of Typhon and Zephyr, with Gyaron being in a gray area on where they stand.   You were able to rally the troops and get many Stormbloods to join forces with the rebel Maximus who was already brandishing the nickname of the Ocean Prince from his fellow revolutionaries. As you fought inside the tomb, Max was leading his newly formed Pacuran Royal Navy against Borigan and Thormund's Fleet of the Stormblood.   Learn that Maximus won the war, Thormund is in jail and Borigan escaped. You won the day although one of your friends betrayed you in the end and stole the phylactery. You killed Claire and listened as a loud shrieking roar came from outside. You make your way outside the tomb to the bright light of the Pacuran sun beaming orange light upon the salty ground. On the shore are bodies and driftwood from the carnage of the battle that took place while you fought inside. Max's ship could be seen in the center of many allies you had made along the way. Your old friend Mako was aboard the Howling Porpoise, captained by the ocean prince Maximus. Mother Maggie the innkeeper was walking around mending the wounds of the injured wayfarers. Ivan and his family, as well as Merdock and the crew fought together on the Kraken. Along the starboard side of the large galleon, you could see a large hole punctured in the side of the ship with green acid pouring from the hull. This room was formerly home to the Venom Maw Hydra who was Morty's pet. Parsellax died in battle against Lord Borigan after the Zephyrn stormblood retreated from the fight for the phylactery. A red painted Drakaar (viking longship) bearing the emblem of a hammer forging handcuffs sailed next to the Kraken, dwarfed by its size but filled with just as many warriors. Valda led the Wardens and Stewards of Gyaron on board her late husband's ship the Red Dagger. The last she saw of her two boys Itchee and Tumble was when Lord Borigan ordered Pyrus to take them away. The boys were not in sight aboard any of the ships. Captain Gorbashav could be seen on this ship with a harpoon through his shoulder. Iggy the Delicious Iguana Jam salesman came out of retirement to be the second mate on the Golden Fleece, this was Quinn's ship. As the ships returned to the Hydri port, Iggy was steering Quinn's ship. Lady Winella of Kinaros could also seen aboard this ship. A ship you recognized as the Tortuga also sailed for the Pacuran Royal Navy. Although the ship was now covered in fungus as Cortez rallied his myconid minions from Fishrot Hollow to become his crew. Also on board was his wife Nocturna and oddly enough DIckard, the goblin whom Henri forced to do combat to become a member of the Gobsnapper. He was last seen jailed on Kyra so how he ended up with a spore growing on his shoulder and mindlessly following his sovereign Cortez' orders is beyond you. During your battle, Quinn was captured by Claire and sent back to Thormund's ship, somehow Quinn was able to not only escape her confinements but took over the Onyx Stallion, Thormund's father's ship that he commandeered after the party stole and crashed his brig known as the Blackfly. Thormund could be seen in handcuffs next to Quinn. All of his main recruits were killed by the party in the tomb. Dimitri the priest, Fimbulwinter the winter werewolf and Claire the captain of the goldguard. He also lost the serial killer Dex. The S. S. Tempest could been seen in the distance with a hole the size of an elephant carved through it's hull, the legendary ship was sinking to the bottom of the Arid Sea with steam coming from the wood. Lord Borigan was nowhere to be seen. In the vast distance you could see 3 ships sailing away. A large purple ship known the the Moonbreaker sailed towards the volcanic mountains of the Firefang Jags, the towering mountain range could be seen silhouetted above the clouds even on the island nation of Pacura. Jericho captained this ship with his rejuvenated Triade of the Fallen Night, Moasis was last seen in the clutches of Jericho. The bone decorated ship known as the Bone Rattler sailed East towards the distant nation of Hearthen, Itchee and Tumble were last seen with Pyrus. Finally the Rosebud, the ship once owned by Olivier before you murdered him by suffocation inside a bag of holding. This ship was captained by Davos, the Merelf fighting alongside Borigan and Pathos. The rosegold ship sailed towards the Caluan Desert province on the mainland. As the ships sail in, Quinn congratulates you on preventing Thormund and Borigan from obtaining the power of the phylactery. She questions you on where it is. She says that she hates her father for leaving but mostly for choosing to kill her mother Kindra. She says she will tell Maximus what happened and have the history of Henri Sallya corrected across the history books. Mako comes to talk to you about the battle. When all seemed lost, an ocean dragon leapt from the water and followed Max's lead. This confirmed to many onlookers that he was meant to unite the island nation. He speaks frank for a moment and confesses that in the moment Max was just as confused as anyone. Dragons of all types are a rarity within Galfin, most lay dormant and send their minions to do their bidding. He doesnt know why but that random dragon turned the tide of the battle. It scared the blackguard off of Thormund's ship which allowed Condor, Ivan's oldest son to swing across and free Quinn. Just as her mother did 30 years before, the Stormblood of Kyra faced against Thormund on the greatest sea battle in recorded history. She took his ship and captured the tyrant. At least his son will have a mother to raise him, Claire is a fierce fighter but also a loving woman. Arygos reveals that Claire died fighting for the phylactery. Borigan jumped from ship as the ocean dragon blasted a cone of scalding water at his galleon, destroying it in one blow. This was crucial as the Kraken had suffered a major blow with the loss of Parsellax. This battle is being dubbed as the Rising Tempest, as this will be the first time since Oceanus Tempest himself gave equal birthright to his 10 children that there will be an undisputed leader of the seas. A coronation was held on Hydri, the first home of Oceanus and where the King's Tomb is located. All the remaining Stormbloods gathered to bless the rise of a new Ocean King. Diggory of Eidon, as well as his only son were killed by Eelisma and Thormund. A few remaining citizens that lived through the hellfire as well as some of the mudguards arrived to bear witness. Miles the Mudman could be seen behind the crowd selling mud pies. Quinn of Kyra, assisted on her casted leg by Condor. She was wounded by the powerful Lord Thormund in the Battle of the Rising Tempest. Maximus of Hydri, wearing the ancient ceremonial armor of his ancestor. Next to his wife and child, Kricia and Illia. The soon to be crowned Ocean King. Kricia of Milos, is soon to be crowned the Ocean Queen so her younger sister Krysta becomes the new Stormblood. Krysta stood next to her older sister in awe of what had happened in a few short months. Ivan of Ios, Stormblood with his mainland wife Raven and their family. They had workers carefully lay Parsellax to rest on the hills of Hydri. Cortez was next to his old captain Ivan and being uncharacteristically quiet. Winella of Kinaros, accompanied by her granddaughter Winni. Both looked elegant as they represented two different generations of rulers of Pacura. Brunhild of Gyaron, holding the hand of her battle weary mother Valda. Brunhild is the oldest daughter of Tayne, she is clearly distraught as she holds her tears in check over her missing brothers and dead father. Eelisma of Basilika, killed by Henri Sallya is without an heir. Maximus will decide what to do with this island now that the war is over. Rumours are of a shrine honoring Sootha, something that should have been on all the islands as she was all the stormblood's great ancestor. Therakles of Typhon, a young 3 year old bears a heavy weight as he can see his father chained up for his crimes. He is quietly crying out for his mother. A caretaker holds his hand and comforts the boy. Borigan of Zephyr, escaped aboard the Rosebud towards the mainland, no living heir to dispute Maximus' claim. The Stormbloods walks up except Winella, she quietly passes the mantle of leader onto her 20 year old grandaughter, Winny. Winella places the blue flag into her heir's hand then the old woman places her hand on top of Winy's to close it gently. Each Stormblood brings their blue flag of parlay and places it at their king's feet, giving their loyalty to follow him as one nation. Each of the 6 remaining Stormbloods: Quinn, Winny, Krysta, Brunhild, and Therakles hold their blues flags emblazoned with the symbol of their individual nation. Conch shells blare as the new king is sworn in. Azalea, Iggy's wife from Kyra, is the designated keeper of the kings armor as well as his weapon. Her family has kept these treasures safe for generations. She gave him the armor when it was clear that his claim would not be contested by the overwhelming amount of stormbloods you helped gather on his side. As the conch songs settled, she approached him with a dark silver trident that had rosegold tips atop its spikes. She gifted him the Imperious Trident, a weapon his ancestor used to free the ancient men from oppression. He carefully takes it from the citizen of his nation and closes his eyes. He lifts the trident up as the new Ocean King. "All Pacurans are whole once more, for the first time in 10 generations our people unite under one Pacuran banner. Any who seek to seperate us will feel the wrath of the sea itself. I wear this armor to show I am here to defend my country. This trident is meant to show my power over the ones I rule. I am not Thormund, Borigan, Branahan or Thresh. You the people are my power for I would not be here without you. I promise to use the power you have given me to allow Pacura a seat in the hall of kings where we will receive our fair share within the High King's quarters. You the people are why I stand before you now. This weapon is a sacred piece of our history and I accept this gift". Maximus looks to Therakles, he then looks to his cousin Thormund. "You are charged with treason against your king and against your people, with the power given to me by my blood, the justice distributed to me through the 6 kings of Galfin, the heart you stole from the people of Eidon and the duty passed down through our great ancestor, I sentence you to death." Maximus stabs thormund through the chest. Three puncture wounds easily cut through Thormund's black and gold armor. Max picks up the blue flags of parlay, wipes the blood from his trident with the flag bearing the Typhon logo and hands it down to Therakles. Max leans down to the boy and says "In the name of Pacura, I grant you permission to live. For boys are not guilty of their fathers mistakes."   Thormund lay on the ground spitting up blood. Maximus looked to Ivan, who hated Thormund, Maximus nodded as Ivan took out his cutlass and decapitated Thormund. He then walks around the circle and gives the flags back to their respective Stormbloods. The ceremony wraps up as Max makes his way over to the party. "My war is finished but i fear your's is not. I cannot thank you enough for the assistance you have given the people of Pacura. I hearby honor you by declaring you Heroes of the Rising Tempest. You are now honorary citizens of Pacara. If you ever need to sail and a Pacuran is aboard that ship, they will give you free passage to anywhere in the world you would like to go. I also task you with one more bounty, if you see Borigan as he runs from my wrath, if you capture him, I will pay you out 2000 gp each. As I said, my fight may be over but you four breed trouble. I hereby gift you the Imperius Trident as a thank you for what you have done for us. I'm sending the remaining mudguard back with you to Eidon, Mako will be waiting there for you, we have something special for you to see". Before you set sail from Hydri, the remaining stormbloods catch up to you at the Gobsnapper, which Izil, Skalden, Franny and Stefan has sailed here from Ios after you guys teleported away. Each one of them thanks you for your heroic actions Kyra - Quinn kinalite hammer - arygos magnet boots - arygos Milos - Krysta cloud jumpers diplomatic seal - triss Ios - Ivan mortys broken cutlass - joseph book on the 10th generations of the 6 royal bloodlines - joe Kinaros - Winny caluan sand shield - triss bands of lost and found Gyaron - Brunhild rare magic item puck from ikibod's magic forge assassins mark - joe Typhon - Therakles ironshod trotters GSb Pet falcon and a necklace avian circlet, eagle lords glove GSB - sossari You sail to Eidon with the mudguards. Miles is also your boat.   After this the Ocean King arrives to check on his new colony. Max commends them on killing a dragon and says that people on the mainland would pay well to dragon slayers. The dragons have been causing havoc all over. Because of that, an emergency meeting has been called in Arboran, the capital of Mooncrest and bastion of the East. Max is going to stay one night and sail out in the morning. He informs you that you can catch a ride with him but cannot leave without assigning a regent to lead the island in your absence. The group selects grek as bedlam awkwardly runs off covered in blood to go put her new loot her establishment.     Sossari and Maximus walk back to the new blacksmith shop, where sosarri saw Grek was hiding during the battle on the shore. The lordiness and the Ocean King inform Grek that he will be regent and he is very emotional about it. He thanks then and shakes sossori's hand, he is about to bow to max but reaches out his hand instead, max smirks and shakes it. On their way back, sossari and max see bedlam, the king carefully picks her up and takes her back to her new bed. Sossari rests as max goes to the tavern to meet his new constituents.   Set sail. Another dead bird. Not the same as the lights go out. 1000s of dragons flying from heathen. Arrive at Oakton. Town is in ruin and burned. Max tries to help but is hurried by his guard to not keep the the other 5 kings waiting.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
183 AHM 29 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations