Tombking Dumizida Rhytyn

Tombking Dimizida Rhytyn

He has light brown skin and long, braided black hair hanging longer in the back draped over shaved sides. His orange eyes exude warmth and ferocity. Dumizida's attire is a blend of traditional desert garments and royal robes.
  Dumizida Rhytyn's life was marked by a dark destiny and the cold rituals of his forebears. Born in 237 BHM to Ramses III, Dumizida was groomed from an early age to continue the grim legacy of the Rhytyn dynasty. At just 12 years old, Dumizida's ascension to the throne in 225 BHM was marked by the ritualistic murder of his father, a ceremony meant to signify the passing of power and ensure the continuation of their arcane practices.
  As Tombking, Dumizida's rule was characterized by an adherence to the brutal traditions of his family. His reign, which spanned from his ascension until his death, was overshadowed by the necessity to perform sacrificial rites to ensure the kingdom’s foresight and stability. His reign was marked by the same sacrifices that defined his lineage: his own children were not spared from the cycle of death that perpetuated their rule.
  In 187 BHM, Dumizida fathered three children: Shesh, Ereshkigal, and Eulli. The birth of each child was a step in the ritualistic process that would ultimately lead to their untimely deaths. Shesh and Ereshkigal, both born in the later years of Dumizida's life, were sacrificed in a ritualistic ceremony at the age of 12, marking their father's commitment to the cycle of sacrifice.
  Dumizida’s death came in 172 BHM at the hands of his youngest daughter, Eulli, who, at age 12, was poised to inherit the throne. This final act of sacrificial succession was a grim culmination of Dumizida’ reign.
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
237 BHM 172 BHM 65 years old
Aligned Organization