Tombking Enki Rhytyn

Tombking Enki Rhytyn

101 - 206
  Tombking Enki Rhytyn, a revered and wise ruler, commands great respect in Odell. His light brown skin and short, neatly kept black hair are complemented by his piercing orange eyes. Enki’s attire is a blend of traditional desert garments and ceremonial robes in yellows and browns, symbolizing his deep connection to the spiritual and temporal realms. Known for his mastery of desert magic, he can summon the spirits of the sand and harness their power to protect and guide his people. Enki’s rule is marked by a balance of strength and compassion, though he is constantly vigilant against threats both internal and external, fearing that the mysterious deaths that plagued his ancestors might one day return.
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
9 AHM 104 AHM 95 years old
Aligned Organization