Umbrys - Shadow and Illusion

Dark elf deity, rest
  Umbrys, the God of Shadow and Illusion, is a mysterious figure, often depicted as a shadowy figure with glowing eyes that seem to shift and change color. Some say Umbrys is a shape-shifter who can take on any form they choose, while others believe Umbrys is simply a collection of shadows given sentience by the power of illusion. Regardless of their true form, Umbrys is known for their ability to manipulate shadows and create powerful illusions that can deceive even the most observant mortals. Some even say that Umbrys can make entire cities disappear with a wave of their hand, or make armies appear where there were none before. Umbrys is generally seen as a neutral deity, neither benevolent nor malevolent, but simply existing to maintain balance between the forces of light and dark.
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