

The three enter the central tower and are greeted by a bellhop named Virgil. He is super pleasant and quirky but kicks prisoners in the shin when they speak to him. He takes the trio down to the second level where a large multi head snake named Minos has its body wrapped around a pillar. Dex has just been sentenced and sent to the lowest level of the Pit. Triss is judged to have lied to get her job as she had ulterior motives to help Dias. She was convicted of fraudulence and sent to the eighth level. Moira uses her mind ring to only allow Minks to read certain thoughts. She shows enough of her former life to be sent to the tenth level. This area is first those to betray a government, lord or guest. They know that Flint was sent down to the lowest level with Rai'Zyr for Treachery against his island of Typhon.
  Arygos is riding the lift with Virgil who tells the phony guard that he has been doing this job for 3000 years and has aspirations to become the judge and take Minos’ position. After some questioning, Arygos determines that Flint was allowed on the top level for good behaviour and was eventually recruited by Lord Thresh to work below deck on the legendary Onyx Stallion. Virgil also mentions being scared of only one prisoner, the beast, who Virgil had to go feed.
  On separate levels, Moira and Olivier, Triss and Morty all hear explosions coming from the upper levels.
  Triss is livid about Moasis and storms off with Morty to the 10th level. They run into Virgil and Arygos heading down. Morty has clout with the guards and gets Triss access.
  All the trio and their new acquaintances meet on the lowest level. Arygos and Triss go see the cage, Triss begins yelling at the beast to a low chuckle in response. He roof explodes as ballistas shoot chains down from the floor above. Black and gold clad men slide down as the party can see inmates running towards the lifts and climbing. The prison gates have been broken open by Thormund. The collapsed ceiling knocks large chunks of rock in front of the large jail cell. Everyone piles into the lift as a loud thud is heard from behind the door. A large dark elf kicks open the cage and shatters the rocks. This is Jericho the Dark Sun Elf, known as the beast and the new leader of the Triade.
  former bellhop of the Pit who took over after Lord Thormund destroyed the seal. Minos the previous warden was killed during the assault so Virgil took over the revenants of the pit, known as the Harrowers
  Virgil and the Harrowers. Agents of Order. The seal was broken when Thormund attacked the ancient prison. Virgil, a quirky bellhop within the prison took over Minos' position as judge. Virgil also gave himself the jury and executioner titles. As thousands of criminals ran and sailed away from Gyaron, Virgil set out his Harrowers. These skeletal knights smell of burned flesh and make the air colder in any town they visit. As they march day and night, this revenant paramilitary group blots out the sun, hiding their advancement upon the innocent. The sound of scratching chalkboard is caused as their old ancient junk metal armor breaks the dusts of its joints. Their faces can take a ghostly form of someone who their victims loved, this helps in confusing them so they can kill or capture. As Virgil marches his army, he finds that he is no longer bound to the primordial rules of the Pit, his Harrowers do not grow weary any longer after being outside the Pit for too long. Virgil is capturing anyone he finds who is marked, only for him to kill them himself as his personal caravan of manticore drawn carriages trots it's way across the world. He kills the marked criminals but is acting as judge to every city he enters. There are not many who are without sin. He carries a warpick made from the snake bones of Minos, with one of his poisonous teeth used as the pick. He calls it his Gavel. The poison inside the Gavel is very powerful. It acts as a truth serum if sorts, though it does not force you to tell the truth, it causes searing pain to those who lie while under its effects. A strong constitution allows victims to fight it off but if they don't tell the truth eventually, they will die an agonizing death.
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