Westqueen Joordan Boggan

Joordan Boggan

Biological parent of Azer Boggan
  4E 555 - 400
  From the bustling streets of Retch emerged Joordan Boggan, a Shiman woman of exceptional grace and determination. Her striking silhouette, framed by the lantern-lit avenues of the city, often gave the impression of a moonlit dance between the shadows and light. With almond-shaped eyes that told tales of old Shiman legends, Joordan was both a guardian of traditions and an advocate for progress. In her early days, she was known to frequent the misty docks, absorbing the rhythmic symphony of waves and city life. This connection to both land and water only accentuated her dual nature: deeply rooted in tradition yet always reaching for the horizon. Among the Boggan lineage, Joordan stood out not only for her profound wisdom but also for her innate ability to unify the contrasting worlds she inhabited.
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
520 BHM 493 BHM 27 years old