Westqueen Yvonet Boggan

First Westqueen,   her family eventually became the Westmonarchs after the Fracturing War   The First Westqueen, the trailblazing matriarch of House Boggan, Yvonet emerged from the shrouded epoch known as the Thousand Years of Silence as a beacon of leadership and strength. Establishing Paladé as a bastion for fishing and trade, she ensured her land's prosperity and its strategic role in the evolving world. With her verdant, lengthy tresses falling like a cascade of emeralds, and her piercing dark-green eyes reflecting determination, she embodied both regality and the indomitable spirit of a warrior. Yvonet's Shiman lineage blessed her with ethereal pale skin and an air of elegance. Yet, it was her prowess in both combat and governance that marked her reign.   Counted amongst the Six Heroes of Dhara, Yvonet played a pivotal role in dispelling the Silence and heralding the dawn of the 4th Era. Her legacy is defined through ten magical rings, masterpieces bestowed upon her by Dhara, that grant the wearer the ability to traverse vast terrains instantaneously. Her Ennobled Blood, a boon from Dhara, granted her an elongated life, allowing her to witness and shape centuries of history. Though her lineage continued to thrive, the gift of longevity began to wane in her descendants, merging their fate with the typical lifespan of the Gauls. Yet, in every pulse of the Westmonarchs' heart, Yvonet's legacy resounds, a testament to her indelible mark on history.
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
586 BHM 356 BHM 230 years old
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements