Whither - Decay

God of Decay
  Whither, the Goddess of Decay, is an eerie and unsettling figure in the pantheon of deities. She is often depicted as a skeletal woman, her bones cracked and brittle with age. Her cloak is made of swirling black smoke, and her eyes are black with a strange red dot in the center, resembling a ladybug.
  Whither is said to hold dominion over all things that decay, from the rotting corpses of animals to the crumbling ruins of ancient civilizations. She is the embodiment of the natural process of decay and destruction, and is feared by many for the power she wields over life and death.
  Whither is not entirely malevolent. She is a necessary force in the cycle of life and death, and her power is required to make way for new growth and renewal. She is often worshipped by those who understand and appreciate the necessity of decay, and who seek to work with it rather than against it.
  In some depictions, Whither is accompanied by swarms of insects, which serve as her messengers and minions. She is said to be able to control the insects at will, using them to spread decay and disease throughout the land. Some believe that she can even bring the dead back to life, albeit in a twisted, decayed form.
  Those who seek to appease Whither often offer her sacrifices of decaying flesh and plants, which she consumes eagerly. It is said that she can be swayed to aid those who pay her homage, but only if they are willing to embrace the inevitable decay and destruction that she brings.
  Neutral Evil
  A skeletal woman with a cloak made of smoke, her pupils are black ladybugs with red dots
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