Wise-Eye Gryphon

​Friendly creature.​​
  Seemingly slow but very fast in the air.​​Owl body, lynx body.​​ Relatively small.​​Goblins have been known to use as mounts.​​ Can sense if someone is a bad person and will refuse transportation.​​ Feeds on Moonrat.​ The owl gryphon is a majestic creature with a large, round head of an owl and the body of a lynx. It has large, broad wings that allow it to fly with great speed and agility, even its relatively small size. The owl gryphon is known for its intelligence and strong sense of intuition, and it is able to sense when someone is a bad person and will refuse to provide transportation. They are gentle creature, and are often used as mounts by the goblins, who appreciate their speed and stealth in the air. They are nocturnal creatures and hunt mainly for Moonrat, which are small rodent-like creature that lives in the forest. Their plumage are dark grey, which makes them almost invisible at night. They are considered an important creature in the ecosystem and are protected by the goblin clans.