
Yuliana is a striking figure, standing tall and proud with her lean build and muscular physique. Her skin is a deep bronze, her hair long and dark blonde, and her eyes a piercing blue that seem to look straight through you. She wears traditional Doth Kai clothing, consisting of a simple tunic and pants made from seaweed fiber, with a fish leather vest and bracers.
  As a Doth Kai, Yuliana is an expert swimmer and navigator, with an intimate knowledge of the sea and its many dangers. She is skilled in the use of tridents and harpoons, and is a formidable fighter both on land and in the water.
  Yuliana's experience on Zephyr and her newfound ability to see into the future have given her a unique perspective on the world, and she often speaks in cryptic riddles and metaphors. She is a valuable asset to any team venturing into the Sundered Lands, as she can often foresee dangers and potential obstacles before they arise.
  Doth Kai who helped Sossari and Narissa. Spent time on Zephyr and speaks some common.
  Gained future sight, images in streams of water, when she went to the Cave of Fates with Sossari.
Current Location