Zephyrn Corsair

  The Zephyrn Corsair is a sleek and agile ship with a narrow hull and tall, billowing sails that seem to catch the wind effortlessly. The ship is adorned with intricate carvings of mythical sea creatures, adding to its mystique and legend. The lack of cannons is made up for by the ship's hook chains, which are used to quickly board and capture other vessels. The crew is made up of experienced sailors who revel in the thrill of the chase and eagerly await The Call of the Corsairs. When the signal is given, bright flares shoot into the sky, signaling to both friend and foe that a Zephyrn Corsair is on the hunt. Those who have seen the Corsairs in action speak of their incredible speed and daring maneuvers on the open sea, making them the most feared ships on the waves.