Session 38+39 - Chained God


As Sarvin entered into the realm underneath, he saw a towering form in front of him with thousands of black chains attached to this creature.
  Sarvin witness the being of Vlox for the first time in his prison, attached to this black monolithic throne. The being chained while still expelling it's corruption into the world. Thousands of people, much like Sarvin travelled through portals opened by Vlox to join at the base is a pile of bodies growing ever larger. Sarvin was influenced to walk forward, just like the others until Vlox took notice of a Merkaynian. He spoke in his mind and his body contorted into shapeless shapes and masses of chains and tendrils. As Sarvin snapped out of it, the body took a giant humanoid form. The color shifted as Merkayne sat chained to the throne and gave Sarvin a moment of reprieve to run and escape this realm. Vlox was too powerful to chain to his prison, Merkayne took on the tumour that is his brother and holds himself imprisoned to keep his brother's corruption at bay. Sarvin was able to leave with new resolve to save his chained deity.
  Once back in the Sway, Carnyx explained his plan to smuggle you into Matloch. He has disguised a fake Shatterbrand disguised from miscreants that were set to be placed on the noose, Carnyx will distract the fleet by sending a message that you have been captured in the Sway, because they don't trust him, they will send extra ships from nearby Matloch to ensure safety in the pirate cove, during that time, Carnyx will smuggle you into the mining town on a transport boat he commandeered.
  Joined a convoy of dwarf barge ships in an old boat Carnyx acquired.
  The check-in should have been quick but a tense moment in the hold where you thought Carnyx might be selling you out.
  Carnyx stowed you away under the ship. Muffled voices are heard. The checkpoint is taking longer than usual. You hear clamps hook onto the ship. Footsteps are heard from above, the murmuring getting louder. A few mine dwarves in armor make their way into the hood. Try to stay hidden as they look at random crates.
  You evaded this scouting mission and made your way into Matloch.

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