Session 49 - Druid’s Grove


Spoke to Squik and Burt, a squirrel who learned about peanut butter and wished to have that done to his acorn
  He would not tell you how to get to the Druid but he decided to travel alongside his lawyer, a wombat named Burt to go visit her to see if one of her machines could make the acorn butter.
  Once you arrived, a frazzled old woman who lost track of time was making breakfast, it was on fire.
  She tossed it out and greeted you, her name was Pinkli Ironheart.
  Her grove was a mix of gnome tech, helping with her natural gardens
  She was a druid and her husband was a tinkerer.
  We learned that the house she lived in, one that looks like a crashed boat, but very inland, was in fact the vessel of her great agreat grandfather, Finkle Ironheart. He was the first Oninaut, gnomes who were able to make it pass the atmosphere and begin exploring the Black Ocean.
  Pinkli tended to her garden, one that was very much alive and magical. She said her ancestor brought back seeds of Glas Talag. Her great great grandmother is where she got her green thumb from, she even planted a hedge around the ancient tower of Skyreach within Ivmagir. That grove grew unwieldy after he grandmothers passing, and now blocks most of the base to the old perch of Keldrith and Aldrek as well as the totem to the Sky goddess Shoreez.
  Sossari creates a feast of plenty.
  Rhitan returns with foraged food alongside the few remaining children of Kincardine. They have dinner and forget the woes of the world for a moment. Rhitan tinkers with some things and gives Nyx a device which she can speak through. Pinkli finds some herbs and creates 6 potions that give 10 minutes of breathing, in case Nyx loses her mask.
  The more people here are causing Rhitan’s machines to overwork. His battery is failing, the home runs on a very old piece of Kinalite that has been cracked and problematic since Finkle used it to escape Glas’Talag
  Granary Village is still the same but any other district has Jericho’s Veilanx and Triade controlling the streets. Ashton and Alissa, the other two Silver Senators, were attacked at the election by Ethur. Ashton you saved and Alissa you brought back in a new body then killed again. Ashton was meeting his family that escaped Skygarde to go to their lake house in Raven’s Crest. Jericho essentially has control of the city except your district.
  Zephyrn Fleet, Deepwell Guards, Gnomes of Teslite, Venerax Loyalists as well as the Cloudburst Coven are working together in the capital.
  Organized in the Melanchordian.
  Printed slayer about Cynthia and began handing that out.
  Network of information telling the people of Ivmagir that Cynthia is starving them out
  Returned to Ironheart Hut outside of Kincardine
  The hedge barrier was up. Heat smouldered from above as the volcanic dragon Venerax scoped out the area. Small snowy owls guided it here.
  Escaped on a teleportation circle when the barrier broke.
  Rhitan kissed his wife and said “I cannot leave them behind.” She reached out but he stepped away as soon as the teleportation circle moved you to the Gobsnapper located south of the town of Shipton.

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