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Versotian Marines

By Sea or Land

Hated by some but feared by all, Versotian Marines are among the finest soldiers to walk Galisia. Originating millennia ago through old traditions of armed personnel serving aboard Versotian vessels, the Versotian Marines have since grown into proper military formations that would fit right into any conventional force. Loosely bound to any Versotian lord or Merchant that can afford their training and upkeep, Versotian Marine regiments excel in the field of amphibious warfare. Trained to launch daring assaults against coastal fortresses and hostile beaches, they shower enemy forces with crossbow bolts before charging into vicious melee with their longswords. Few men alive can claim to have survived an encounter with a shore party of Versotian Marines, as they are widely renowned for both their discipline and individual skill in the heat of battle. Able to match the greatest knights on both land and sea, the Versotian Marines have participated in numerous conflicts around Galisia over the last thousand years, solidifying their place as some of the greatest soldiers in the Imperium.



Each Versotian Marine regiment consists of anywhere between one thousand and four thousand men, depending largely on the ability of their benefactor to outfit and pay for the upkeep of these relatively expensive troops. In the past, Versotian lords, merchants, and the VCC have all raised Versotian Marine regiments in the furtherance of their sometimes questionable aims.


Lightly clad compared to most shock troops, the Versotian Marines make up for their lack of armor with superb fitness, discipline, and skill. Unlike dismounted knights, for example, Versotian Marines will not tire after an hour of prolonged battle. While every regiment maintains it's own standard of equipment, Versotian Marines generally go into battle with only a cuirass set atop a fine wool coat and mail shirt. Various other small pieces of armor may be added at the discretion of individual regiments, but Versotian Marines are rarely seen with significant plate armor on their arms, legs, or head. While many knights scoff at such practices, a lack of heavy armor serves a vital purpose in keeping the Versotian Marines relatively fresh and cool over the course of a lengthy engagement.


Versotian Marines nearly always go into battle with three principal armaments. First, upon observing enemy forces in the distance, Versotian Marines use their mechanical repeating crossbows to shower the enemy with bolts as they approach. Then, once the distance has been closed, they sling their crossbows and draw their longswords to meet the enemy in melee. These longswords, made of strong but flexible steel, are ideal for driving into the weak points of an enemy's armor. Finally, on the belt of each Versotian Marines lies his weapon of last resort. When longswords are lost or damaged in the flurry, each Versotian Marine knows he can still rely on his stiletto. Often including a pommel inscribed with the arms of the owner's regiment, the stiletto is a long, narrow dagger ending in a needle-like point meant to make the difference between life and death in the moments that count. In the hands of a Versotian Marine, one quick well placed strike from a stiletto into the helm or plate armor gaps of an enemy knight can fell even the most well-armored adversaries.


Each Versotian Marine regiment is led by a Primus, the top commander who oversees all dealings with members of the nobility and directs operations among troops. The Primus is usually a seasoned captain of noble birth and a veteran of several conflicts.
  Underneath the Primus, anywhere from five to twenty captains command cohorts of between two and five hundred men, depending on the overall size of the regiment. The number of captains and the amount of troops they command differs widely based on experience and skill. A veteran captain of proven worth will certainly be given command of more troops than a novice that has just been promoted from the ranks.
  The last and lowest class of officers, who serve under captains, are the principes. Given command of a detachment, principes direct and manage anywhere between twenty and one hundred men. In the same fashion as their captains, principes are given command of more troops based on veterancy.
  At the bottom of the hierarchy of Versotian Marine regiments are the marines themselves. Stalwart, courageous men, they obey the orders of their officers without question and kill without remorse.


Being capable on both offense and defense, Versotian Marines demonstrate some of the greatest versatility among troops in Galisia. Ranged troops to defend your walls? Leave it to the Versotian Marines. Shock troops to punch through an enemy frontline? Leave it to the Versotian Marines, anywhere, anytime. Their common motto, "By Sea or Land", exemplfies the universal prowess of these soldiers. No matter where they are fighting, Versotian Marines fight to win or die trying.


To mould a common or noble born man into a Versotian Marine is a grueling process. Lessons for recruits begin early in the morning with fitness and physical development training to ensure that their bodies never quit in battle. This fitness training often includes exercises and movements on beaches and riverbank sandbars to better ensure recruits strike swiftly during naval landings. Under the watchful eyes of their captains and principes, recruits then spend the last hours of the morning drilling with training blades, both against dummies and each other. In the afternoon, they transition to shooting and reloading practice with their mechanical repeating crossbows, only being considered fit for service when they can maintain accurate fire at a rate of one bolt every two seconds. In the evenings, recruits study both tactics and the history of their chosen regiment before repeating the process all over again. This intense training continues day after day, week after week, for a total of six months until recruits are officially admitted into the ranks of the regiment.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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