Kahrueto Character in Gallithius | World Anvil
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Kahrueto (Ka - ruh - e - to)

Nobody knew how nor when the universe came to be, but, as fragments of an ancient text where discovered and decrypted, it was discovered a being called "Kahrueto" (translated to the universal gallithian language from Creator) might be the one true God that created the universe and the ancient Gallithius before the catastrophe came (probably caused be him). He has unlimited power and can be at any place at any time while also not really possessing a physical body and, for all they know, his lifespan is infinite. The texts also mention different realms of existence created by said God:
  1. Heaven (Exyo Tenoceos): Where a person who's been kind and rightful goes after dying. Everyone has their version based on their good experiences from when they were alive;
  2. Limbo (Holnaku): A faulty recreation of the real world based on every living being's memories, it's where someone's spirit goes after being separated from their body without them dying;
  3. Purgatory/Hell (Akmofernos): Where someone who has done only evil for the rest of their lives goes after dying. In the same manner, everyone has their version of hell based on their pain and fears;
There were also the mention of "Danraitos" ( Angels, translated from the gallithian dialect "fragments of light") who inhabited heaven and enacted Kahrueto's will upon the world, they where the first beings created before animals, humans and later alnorians.   With all of that, an extinct religion came back with a new coat of paint, previously known as Christianism now it's called "KAEH RO EXEQUIAM" (The true God is all mighty) with followers as numerous as ever before. It became the official religion of many provinces around the world, with some minor disapproval but acclaim from the majority of people.
Divine Classification

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