Blight Busters

The Blight Busters are a dedicated research coalition formed to combat Shadow Blight, a deadly and mysterious illness plaguing the world of Galmora. The coalition is focused on discovering a cure, developing preventative measures, and restoring the affected regions.  


Research Origins

Investigate the root causes of Shadow Blight, including its potential links to celestial events and planar disturbances. Collaborate with historians and scholars to uncover any forgotten lore or ancient remedies.  

Develop Treatments

Experiment with healing spells, potions, and protective wards to find an effective cure or at least mitigate symptoms. Test the effects of powerful artifacts, such as the "Nurturing Stone," in combating the Blight.  

Public Outreach

Educate the populace about Shadow Blight, including its symptoms, spread, and ways to protect themselves. Provide emotional and material support to affected communities, ensuring they don’t feel abandoned.  

Interplanar Exploration

Explore the possibility that Shadow Blight has origins or connections to other planes of existence. Seek knowledge or aid from otherworldly entities or realms that may have encountered similar afflictions.  

Base of Operations

The Blight Busters operate from several key locations across Galmora, including:  

The Arcanum Sanctum

A central hub where magical research is conducted.

Healing Sanctuaries

Located in major cities and Eluwyn camps, where treatments are administered and studied.

Field Stations

Mobile units that travel with the Eluwyn caravans, providing support to remote areas.  

Long-term Goals

Cure Development: Create a definitive cure for Shadow Blight that can be widely distributed. Restoration Efforts: Help rebuild the healthcare infrastructure and support recovery in areas devastated by the Blight. Prevention: Develop methods to prevent future outbreaks, possibly through magical wards or by addressing the underlying causes of the disease.

Public Agenda

Magical Interference: The Blight's connection to cosmic or planar forces may cause unpredictable interference with conventional magical practices. Resource Limitations: Despite royal support, the coalition may struggle with acquiring rare ingredients or artifacts needed for research. Public Distrust: Fear and misinformation about the Blight and magic could lead to resistance or hostility toward the coalition’s efforts.
Research, Medical


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