Rings of Lunar Resilience

The Ring of Lunar Resilience is crafted from mithril, adorned with small, intricately cut warding crystals embedded around its band. It emits a faint, protective aura when worn. Its primary purpose is to dampen the wild magic effects caused by a full moon. Each ring is enchanted to protect from a specific full moon.

The Various Rings of Lunar Resilience

Divine Ring

Moon: Linked to the Divine Moon (Divination and Chronurgy). Function: Dampens the wild effects of divination magic, stabilizes temporal disturbances, and mitigates disruptions in time manipulation spells.  

Oblivion Ring

Moon: Linked to the Oblivion Moon (Necromancy). Function: Reduces the potency of necromantic energies, shields against undead influence, and stabilizes life force fluctuations.  

Metamorphosis Ring

Moon: Linked to the Metamorphosis Moon (Transmutation). Function: Minimizes unintended transformations, stabilizes transmutation effects, and provides resistance to involuntary changes in physical form.  

Illusion Ring

Moon: Linked to the Illusion Moon (Illusion). Function: Limits the impact of sensory illusions, enhances clarity of perception, and shields against mental manipulations through deceptive magic.  

Invocation Ring

Moon: Linked to the Invocation Moon (Evocation). Function: Dampens the volatility of evocation spells, stabilizes elemental summonings, and reduces the risk of uncontrollable magical explosions.  

Obfuscation Ring

Moon: Linked to the Obfuscation Moon (Abjuration). Function: Strengthens protective barriers, dispels harmful magical effects, and enhances resistance against offensive spells and enchantments.  

Nurturing Ring

Moon: Linked to the Nurturing Moon (Enchantment). Function: Balances emotional influences, fortifies mental defenses against enchantments, and mitigates the effects of mind-altering magic.  

Harmony Ring

Moon: Linked to the Harmony Moon (Conjuration). Function: Stabilizes planar conjurations, enhances teleportation accuracy and safety, and safeguards against planar instabilities during summoning rituals.

Manufacturing process

Warding Crystals: Special crystals are selected or grown specifically for their ability to absorb and mitigate the particular type of magical energies associated with the chosen moon. Each crystal is imbued with enchantments that align with its protective function.   Gem Setting: The warding crystal, carefully shaped and prepared, is securely set into the ring. The setting must ensure direct contact between the crystal and the wearer’s skin to maximize the ring’s effectiveness.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Related Technologies
Raw materials & Components
Mithril, adorned with small, intricately cut warding crystals embedded around its band


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