The Great Garden

For millennium the Astral Sea was nothing more that a vast expanse of endless thoughts and wonder with great sparks of power roaming aimlessly. Until the spark of creation and the spark of life collided with such force that it rocked the surrounding area of the Astral Sea and left a seed of power in their wake. Over time this seed grew into what we know now as the Tree of Creation, found at the center of the Great Garden   As the Tree of Creation grew it expanded its roots further into the Astral Sea creating a garden full of life around itself. The tree started to grow buds and seeds leading to new creations in the Garden. Each seed was a mote of power within itself. Some seeds rooted in the Garden and became new planes of existence as they grew in power. Due to the occasional astral wind other seeds from the Tree of Creation floated into the Astral Sea and ended up sprouting into other Great Gardens or growing into powerful beings, the astral winds infusing them with thought and consciousness. Many of these beings became known to many as deities, gods, or the divine beings.


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