BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Zenithar 7th-12th, Jan 11th Session 18

General Summary

Went to the Temple of Mystra; got Magic Missile and Tasha’s Hideous Laughter. Was told by Roar that the information I’m looking for on multiversal threats was at the Temple of Minerva and I met Zrkian and started my research. Learned that the Xura Dynasty existed before the planar boundaries collided. An attempt had been made to reopen said boundaries for travel, involving a gold gem encrusted hourglass. Intense amount of magic, it opened the rift to other planes in the sky, however it called creatures towards it in an aggressive manner. The result of which was a large amount of death and led to the militarization of the Xura Dynasty. Fey realm and prime material collided and repelled against each other (campaign’s big bang). Also learned that one of these other planes is the Astral Sea, where Grey mindflayers originated. Suggests that space and the Astral Sea have similarities. Red came from Blue, Grey came from Astral Sea, blue came from ??? In my excitement, I picked up a book that was written in an incomprehensible language. Black leather with a red rune on it. I put it back but it found its way back into my backpack. Strange. I’ll deal with it later.
Report Date
11 Jan 2023


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