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10th-20th Shadegro Session 29

General Summary

After several days of preparations in Port Wyntaya, the Dire Dragon Dagger Draggers set out on the open sea in the early morning. As Port Wyntaya drifted out to a speck on the horizon, a strange smell of alcohol wafted over the ship. That strange plague doctor barman (PDB) showed up and took Kevhsa to the Bar of the Vanishing Door. Sirocco asked why they never got taken. “Because you have a strong spirit.” Sirocco took umbrage at this on Kevhsa’s behalf, but before they could articulate a reply the PDB had vanished. Gurdis told Sirocco that she believed that Kevhsa would return unharmed and that was enough to get Sirocco to move on.   The Salacious Saltwater Sea Sprinter was heading South East, to Stormtop Island as that is where the Last Resort was last seen. Sirocco and Gurdis got to spend some quality time at sea together. Sirocco told Gurdis about their mentor Syvis, the history of the Zlordian Enclave, and how Regent Protector Zlord was considered to be the first bladesinger. Sirocco never had any sense of community, so every time they invoke their blade song they feel like they are part of a bigger community. Sirocco then asked if that was how it felt to be a cleric of Draden. Gurdis replied that sometimes it does, but that she felt like her quest to find the Earthshaper armor was isolating her. She was quick to clarify that she had found community with The D.D.D.D.. Gurdis quickly got her sea legs and learnt the basics of keeping the keelboat on course from Sirocco.   Throughout their ten day voyage to Stormtop Island Sirocco and Gurdis conquered a storm, discovered the remains of a whale, and were attacked by a triton lady riding a whale who was shouting about someone named Balin? Turns out she was from New Silstra, and her name was Marina. After a bit of a muddled battle, Marina surrendered after guaranteeing the safety of her whale friend. After securing the prisoner, D4 assured her that they had no desire to hunt whales. Sirocco convinced Marina to hand over a half finished 4th level lightning evocation spell in return for promising to take down Balin. Balin is a Xuran Dwarf with a long black beard who is over hunting whales. He has a sailing ship crewed by at least 30 Xuran sailors, all competent warriors in their own right. After all that, The S4 would run into one more challenge in the form of a water elemental. It wasn’t able to do much damage to the team, but Sirocco was frustrated that the party took any damage. Sirocco’s bladesinging was protecting them self, but Blade was still getting wounded every fight. Siro made a mental note to track down more control spells. By the 20th of Shadegro, The Salacious Saltwater Sprinter had reached the outskirts of the titular storm of Stormtop Island. The D4 would need to navigate through the dangerous waters off of the coast of the island, but that would be a tale for another day.
Report Date
19 Apr 2023
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