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21st-22nd of Shadegro Session 31

General Summary

21st of Shadegro

  The party started the night inside the Tiny Hut. Sirocco asked Kevhsa to bring Syvis to the dome. Sirocco asked the question that had been plaguing them since the beginning of the campaign. “Why didn’t you see this storm coming?” “I’ve been asking that myself. It was magical, it evaded my sight.'' Syvis responded with a chastising tone. Insight check, natural one. Sirocco believes her more than ever. Instead of the expected ambush, the Lizardfolk sent an envoy. They stared at the log trap, and casually dodged when it was triggered. The D4 tried to communicate with them, but the language barrier was insurmountable. Throwing the corpse of the headless lizardfolk as an intimidation tactic didn’t seem to help things. At that moment, Syvis and Drauz showed up. Syvis cast tongues on herself and began talking to the envoy. The lizardfolk had two demands. The first was the magical seeds. Done. The second was much harder to accept. They wanted the D4 as sacrifices for their storm god. Something about “The lightning within.” The lizardfolk worship the storm that wreaths Stormtop Island, and they sacrifice strong warriors by combat to give their strength to the storm. And looking down at the remains of the failed intimidation attempt, they see the D4 as ideal candidates. If the D4 don’t surrender themselves, the lizardfolk plan to attack en masse. Sirocco looked to their captain for advice. Captain Darby made a point that they were now the captain of their own ship. This seemed to resonate with Sirocco and they went off to the Salacious Saltwater Sea Sprinter to think. Gurdis and Kevhsa immediately concluded that Sirocco planned to surrender themself as a martyr for the team. Gurdis and Kevhsa gave Siro some time, but then joined them on the ship. Sirocco said that they did in fact blame themselves for the situation the D4 found themselves in. However, the remaining members of D4 pointed out that Siro was being short sighted and slightly narcissistic. Even if Sirocco was accepted as the only sacrifice, they might just come back tomorrow for the others. It would be better to go as a group and see if they couldn’t kill a god. Sirocco acquiesced, but made a promise. If any of the Dire Dragon Dagger Draggers were to die in this upcoming fight, Sirocco would retire from adventuring.  

22nd of Shadegro

  The following morning, the lizardfolk envoy returned, and escorted the D4 to their settlement. Upon arriving, the entire lizardfolk population were staring at the party as we entered the village. Feeling the cold eyes of the reptile people on them, the D4 were led single file into the temple. At the bottom of the temple was a Metallic construct unlike the surrounding environment. The lizardfolk escorting us willingly stepped on a bear trap which sent energy to the golem. A burst of living lightning shot out of it and initiative was rolled. At first things went really well. Enemy attacks weren’t hitting, the D4 were chipping away at the golem, but then the living lightning lined up a lightning bolt on Blade, Kevhsa, and the golem. Kevhsa and Blade were badly wounded, but the golem recharged from the lightning. Fearing for Blade’s life, Sirocco cast Rope Trick 10 feet in the air, and Blade jumped into the pocket dimension. But then it was the golem’s turn. And it smashed Kevhsa into the ground, putting them on death saves. Seeing their dear friend down, Sirocco threw their own safety to the wind. Dashing to the unconscious form of Kevhsa and deflecting the attacks of both creatures, Sirocco was able to get Kevhsa into the safety of the Rope Trick. Blade saw a window to finish off the golem, and lept for it. Which triggered the living lightning’s lightning bolt, hitting Sirocco and Blade. As an Air Genasi, Sirocco was able to resist the lightning damage and stayed conscious. Blade however was knocked unconscious. Two members down. Gurdis and Sirocco managed to kill the golem, planning on reviving the party members after removing that threat. But it came back to life! The party noticed the connection between the golem and the lightning, and realized that both of them must be killed at the same time. Or they would, if Sirocco hadn’t cast dispel magic on the golem. Gurdis finished it off, and Sirocco squared off against the lightning. Gurdis dragged Blade into the Rope Trick and healed Kevhsa. Sirocco had stopped trying to hit the lightning with their sword, instead exploiting the lighting’s weak mental resistance with Mind Sliver. This, combined with Gurdis’s classic massive damage and Kevhsa’s pinpoint accurate spells managed to kill the living lightning. The Dire Dragon Dagger Draggers had killed a god. Or at the very least, a powerful monster being worshiped as a god. Most assuredly the later, but the lizardfolk saw it as the former. Gurdis cast Prayer of Healing, bringing Blade back to consciousness. None of the Dire Dragon Dagger Draggers had died, and Sirocco's foreboding promise would not need to be fulfilled. As the party exited the temple, the lizardfolk bowed before them. The storm of Stormtop Island had ceased for the first time ever. The party quickly made their way back to the beach and reached Level 7.   “We are ready to be devoured and give our strength to the great storm. And we’re quite excited about it.” -Kevhsa
Report Date
03 May 2023
Primary Location


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