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22nd of Shadegro-3rd of Umbray Session 32

General Summary

22nd of Shadegro

  The Dire Dragon Dagger Draggers took a second to appreciate their victory. Gurdis prayed to Draden, Sirocco began to study the cursed map, and Kevhsa promptly passed out. Sirocco and Gurdis took the time to kindly tuck them in on board the Last Resort. After Siro had left them a clean glass of water and Gurdis had provided the appropriate medical care, Siro and Gurdis went about their business. Now that the threat posed by the lizardfolk had been abated, Sirocco took the time to study the Cursed Map. It now showed them the island of Lost Haven, the island on which Sirocco was abandoned. As Sirocco had no current goals in Lost Haven, they interpreted this as meaning that they were in fact born on Lost Haven, and not the mythical air genasi kingdom. Siro cast Identify, while Gurdis gave another prayer of thanks to Draden. After the Identification ritual was completed, Sirocco learned that the map is called “The Siren’s Guide”, but uncovered no other new info. Confused and annoyed, Siro needed some time to clear their head and took off flying into the sky. Reaching the apex of their flight, Siro stopped for a moment to admire the view before plummeting back down to earth. At the last minute, Sirocco cast Feather Fall and floated safely down into a tree. After a brief jaunt through the jungle, Siro saw Euphemia cooking the night’s dinner. Euphemia’s alchemical cooking was a first for Gurdis and Siro tried to subtly season Gurdis’s fish. Euphemia easily saw it and walked off in a huff. After failing to mollify Euphemia’s feelings, Sirocco and Gurdis took a much deserved rest.  

23rd of Shadegro

  Kevhsa woke up earlier than Sirocco and Gurdis and went up into the Last Resort’s crows nest for their morning reflection. Far off in the jungle, Kevhsa saw some movement. Later that morning, while Sirocco and Gurdis were preparing their spells in blissful ignorance, Kevhsa spotted a large group of lizardfolk approaching. Swinging down rakishly from the crow’s nest, Kevhsa alerted their companions on the beach below. The party decided to go out and greet them and remove the uncertainty why these lizardfolk were approaching. After Gurdis cast tongues on Kevhsa, they learned that the lizard folk were here to offer aid to their new objects of deification. Gurdis and Siro advised Kevhsa to order the lizardfolk to keep a respectful distance from the beach as to avoid further entanglement with the lizardfolk.  

24th of Shadegro-2nd of Umbray

  The next week would see the party indulging in some light prankery, forging, and Fabricating a large amount of rope. On the 28th of Shadegro the Last Resort was seaworthy again, and the party cast off from Stormtop Island. The journey to Suntara Isle would be relatively peaceful, partially thanks to Pippin’s eye in the sky. The two ships almost came across a mysterious giant tentacle but managed to avoid it and the dangers it would surely bring. The party made it to Suntara Isle on the eve of the 2nd of Umbray. After Syvis talked to Kael the shipwright, she learned that the Last Resort would likely need another week of repair, but the Salacious Salt-water Sea Sprinter would only need a day.   Suntara is a free market island and they don’t seem to care about pirates as long as they follow the laws set by the Suntara Trading Company. Syvis told the party about Suntouched trees which are magical trees that only grow on Suntara Isle. Due to their magical biology, they are the favored material for creating Mage Paper. Other non magical trees can be used for that process, it just takes much more refining and work. The two major organizations operating on Suntara Island are The Sun's Bounty (The group in control of Suntouched trees) and the Sunterra Trading Company, which is essentially the government.   The party decided to spend the night in town and went to the Laughing Seagull Inn to get the latest news of the isle. Innkeep Farid was glad to have customers, as the economy of Suntara has taken a hit recently. The Sun’s Bounty has been unable to harvest any Suntouched Trees. And as Suntara’s economy is built around the logging and selling of these trees, money was starting to get tight. Farid said a group was protesting the harvest, which was odd as Suntara does have a Druidic community and they hadn’t brought forth any such concerns. The party paid for some rooms and had a drink on the balcony. Siro tried to scout out the trees as a polymorphed owl, but failed miserably.  

3rd of Umbray

The next morning the party went directly to The Sun’s Bounty. Gott Danme was guarding the door and he seemed to have an attitude. The D4 met Rin and Nalia inside the sun’s bounty. Apparently the group “protesting” is known as “The Chicken Scratch Gang”. The Chicken Scratch Gang has been trouncing any Sun’s Bounty agents who have been sent to remove them, and they show no signs of leaving anytime soon. They are composed of 3 aarokra; Anile Hurtle, Thilena Culmor, and Lenor Pimfu. The party was informed that there was an 8,000 gp bounty, dead or alive. The party immediately set off in pursuit of that paycheck. Gott Danme scowled at Sirocco and told them he’d have his eyes on them. Sirocco completely misinterpreted that and invited Gott Danme to dinner with the party that night.   Full of hubris and spell slots, the party made their way out to the Suntouched Grove. With Kevhsa leading the negotiation, and Sirocco skimming the thoughts of the gang with Detect Thoughts, things were looking good. Right before it became clear that violence was imminent, Sirocco found a face in Anile’s thoughts. Although Sirocco had never seen the dwarf before, Marina’s description left no question who it was. Balen was funding the Chicken Scratch Gang. Roll Initiative. Sirocco leapt into combat, Bladesong whistling through the air. But Lenor Pimfu hit through their defenses with a club bigger than Sirocco, and then did it again. Sirocco was still alive, but only barely. The fight was an erratic back and forth with large damage coming from both sides. Eventually, the D4 would somehow gain the upper hand, but at a cost. Deep within The Crimson Claw, Idryllis’s bloodlust boiled over. With the Chicken Scratch Gang all either unconscious or low health, Kevhsa methodically slaughtered all three aarockra and absorbed their souls into The Crimson Claw.    How did Balan fit into all this? Is he operating under direct orders from the Xura Dynasty? Where is he? All questions Sirocco had, but the sightless eyes and still tongues of the dead Chicken Scratch Gang would not provide any answers.   “What do you expect from me? Not to generate 200 lbs of rope? How else can I practice Fabricate?” -Sirocco
Report Date
10 May 2023


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