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25th of Zenithar - 4th of Shadegro Session 27

General Summary

To Do before leaving Seletan Buy as much paper as possible, success. Got 250 g of paper. Buy some more provisions, failure. But! Gurdis remembered she had access to Create Food and Water, so it wasn’t needed. Left Seletan on the 27th of Zenithar Talked to Arkos, learned about the Twilight Cult. They worship Erebos, and bring pain and suffering to Perella. Talked about Pirate Queen Seraphina Blackheart Last tithe brought to her by the Last Resort was a bunch of fruit Talked about the possibility of piracy to bring in a better tithe Gurdis is potentially open to the concept, but wants to focus on someone who “deserves it”. Sirro pitched ambushing Xura Dynasty instead of Perellian ships. Were ambushed by Twilight Cult. Sirro almost burnt down the forest and Gurdis almost died, but we were victorious. Sirocco buried the bodies and marked the graves with the Twilight cult pin.
Report Date
29 Mar 2023


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