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Jelgha (Jel-Guh)


The Prince of Skelaldon

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

6'3", lean.

Special abilities

He has a magic about him that is specific to Neas. His mother had the same magic.

Apparel & Accessories

When Nora first meets him, Jelgha is wearing a sapphire blue cape over black trousers and a gray double-breasted jacket. The cape was in pristine condition as though it had been left in a case until that moment. The rest of his attire was well-worn and showed that he was on those streets with his people most of his day.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jelgha is the only son of Emet Opar. He is the only child of Opar that is still in Skelaldon as his sister, Sovi, was banished.

Gender Identity

Jelgha is gender-fluid.


Jelgha is homosexual.

Mental Trauma

His father has been verbally, emotionally and at times, physically abusive.

Intellectual Characteristics

Jelgha is very articulate and well-read. He has studied the rulers in Shylerinth and knows most of their mindsets, strategies.


Contacts & Relations

Jelgha has been a part of the rebellion against Emet Emyer for centuries.

Family Ties

His father is Emet Opar of Skelaldon. His mother, Tuula, was the daughter of a well-to-do merchant in Neas. Tuula had been ostricized in her own village because of her magics, but she was the most beautiful woman Opar had ever seen and so, he took her virginity that night. When he heard that she was expecting a child, he went to confront her. Her father hid her and his newborn granddaughter away, but Opar found them. Tuula and her daughter were taken to Skelaldon and she never saw her father again. She named her daughter Sovi, for her mother and her second child, a son, Jelgha, after her father.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Skelaldon
Date of Birth
February 4
Year of Birth
2125 BC 4134 Years old
Current Residence
Shoulder-length, silver with a hint of cerulean to it
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cappuccino-colored skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Your Nevin has a flare for the dramatic, which I’m sure you’ve noticed.”   “Bankal of Tyfon and Ranid Togva walk into his court and there will be no mistaking why they’re here.”   “I’m not going to lie. I can feel what little power you’re allowing out. You could get to Nevin without much effort. I also know that he most likely told you not to express your power.”   “Your power is much more primal than anything in your world. It’s tied to your emotions right now, but you’ll learn to harness it. I don’t think Nevin would allow his Essir to be vulnerable like that.”


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