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Gripper Weed

Name: Dentatus Radix Nickname: Gripper Weed Family: Carnivorous Tuber Plant   Gripper Weed is, thankfully, a rare occurrence around civilised and well travelled areas. A single Gripper Weed can, with enough prey, cover the  are of a small farm and is known to be a pest to rural communities for this reason. Presenting a facade of a vibrant fleshy green leaf covering, this can be rapidly contracted to expose the internal root. This root then expands to reveal a toothed maw that sucks the prey down. It injects a venom into its prey that causes them to bleed until they either escape or die from blood loss. The corpse is then slowly crushed and “mulched” by the weed until the fleshy lid can once again disguise the trap. The reverse direction teeth to the Gripper Weed mean that extracting a creature from a Gripper Weed’s maw is a painful and damaging endeavour.   This plant acts out of instinct, but for the sake of combat it has   Armour Class: 14 (natural armour) Hit Points: 72 (8d12 +20) Movement Speed: 0ft Senses: Tremorsense   Bite: The Gripper Weed contracts its jaws shut around the limb of the creature that enters is maw. They must make a Dexterity Saving throw (DC18) or suffer 4d10 piercing damage and be grappled by the maw. A successful save means the creature is not grappled by the maw. A creature bitten by a Gripper Weed suffers 1d8 Bleeding damage at the start of its turn until healed or stabilised by a successful medicine check. DC18 if not proficient in medicine or herbalism, DC13 if proficient.   Mulch: The Gripper attempt to suck a grappled creature deeper into its maw at the start of every turn. The creature will suffer an additional 1d8+6 piercing damage for this action. For each turn stuck in the Gripper’s maw, the creature adds an additional 1d4 damage to the above bleeding damage.   Escape: A Gripper Weeds can be escaped with a Strength Check of DC18 (disadvantage if the grappled creature attempts this) and suffers 2d8 “ripping” (piercing) damage as their limb leaves the maw

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