Game Design Portfolio

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Hello, I'm a independent game designer out of Houston, Texas. I graduated from Full Sail University back in 2016 and have since completed an internship with abstract media as well as took part in three game design contracts. Lastly, I have successfully been able to have one commercial release. Here on this site you will find information about my previous projects as well as my current passion project.  

What I Do

Much of my formative projects revolved around system design, objective design, and level design. However due to the lack of additional assistance in my passion project I design all of the facets focusing on system, combat and level design. While designing I focus on systems being simple at first with them becoming more complex and diverse as time spent with them increases. In addition, I also have spent a fair about of time learning and developing with AR and VR systems.   I thrive in a creative and collaborative environments where hard work and passion for making great games is valued, and where I can leverage my adaptability, quick study, and resilient nature to drive my team and games to success.  

Passion Project

Cataclysm is the project I have been working on during my free time and my core passion project. Cataclysm is a TTRPG project that I have aspirations of turning into a MMORPG. While this is a long way off I have detailed many of the tasks, work flows, and project segments bellow. However, please keep in mind that this project is still very much underway and is being updated on a regular basis. Meaning that while a section might come to an abrupt end, it doesn't mean it is unfinished. I work diligently on this project when I am able, so please be patient as I have limited free time between my two jobs and art classes, but I promise it will be completed as soon as I am able. You can see all updates and planned updates under the time line tab. You can also learn more about my completed sections by clicking the aged Smilors' Logo.  

Previous Projects

While I am attempting to make my passion project the center of my portfolio you will find a number of my previous projects listed underneath from my Internship to contract work.  

Intern Projects

During my internship I was given the opportunity work beside leading industry professionals and get hands on training with work flows, concept designs, and Q&A testing. In addition I was also able to spend time learning how to work with and develop AR and VR systems both in Unreal Engine and Unity. You can see sample work for some of the projects I participated in by clicking on the crisp clean Happy Habitat Keepers Logo bellow.  

Contracted Projects

After my internship I was hired to take part in the developmental cycle for three separate games. Each contract taught me something new and important in regards to the Game Design degree. I have taken on various different roles during each contract and developed many skills to help further my career. You can find more details about each project by clicking on the crisp clean Happy Habitat Keepers Logo bellow.