House Ailurus

0 Tomes0 Tourneys

House Chiroptera

1 Tome0 Tourneys

House Lapin

1 Tome3 Tourneys

House Meles

0 Tomes3 Tourneys

House Mollusca

1 Tome1 Tourney

House Sauropoda

1 Tome1 Tourney

World Literomantic Academy Warren Campus

The World Literomantic Academy is the continuing legacy of the first modern school of Literomancy. The brainchild of WriterGreg, the WLA changed its name upon his death and continued under Headmaster Prince Consort Erin Righ.   The Warren was the first WLA satellite campus. As one might guess, it is located right at The Warren. The Lapin Crown excavated and constructed the campus and donated it to the school, on the condition that they could make use of the school's many "Work Rooms" (spaces specifically dedicated to different kinds of magic) when needed. The ribbon-cutting ceremony took place on the first day of the April 2022 Tourney of Tales.   As a result of this convenient location, and the Lapin Royal Consort's direct involvement, instructors tend to be famous Literomancers with combat experience, including many of the Woodlander Royal Family themselves. Indeed, it is one of their primary activities during peacetime.   Registration at the Warren Campus is, therefore, highly sought after, but admittance is strictly limited to those who have shown significant literomantic potential, and is primarily sponsored by scholarships. Most students, including its youngest, board at the school, but students who live in Okanagan City are also welcome.   It is not uncommon for Warren instructors to offer workshops in Jurissica or Penwall; nor for their instructors to offer training at the Warren.


Headmaster Erin Righ

Early Childhood Education
I like teaching the little ones best. I want to instill a love of reading and writing that will stay with them their whole lives.
— Erin Righ
Erin Righ by Hero Forge
It might surprise the public that the Prince Consort's favourite calling is to work with the youngest students; those who have shown early potential for literomancy and are still in primary grades. There are memes about Erin Righ's toughness, and he did, after all, become the first modern Night Monarch.   But for those who know him, Erin is the embodiment of "get off my lawn" grampa energy. His classes are almost always organized chaos, since he is not inclined to chastize his charges for anything that won't genuinely hurt them or others... but his gentle encouragement wins amazing performances out of them. Even the most rowdy child is usually quietly focused on writing when their parents come to pick them up... or they're climbing all over the Prince's half-badger form like a jungle gym.   Sekrits!
Erin Righ's classroom contains a button behind a glass frame that reads, "In case of Nite Qing, break glass." This was installed when the Prince Consort was still possessed by the spirit of The Nite Qing. Should anyone hit the button, a blast door slams shut on the classroom, and a series of wards are activated, trapping Erin, and the Nite Qing, in the room. Fortunately, it seems this safety measure is no longer required.

Magical Combat & Filking Studies

My job is to make sure you stay alive. So I'm not going to mince words when you're filking up. But since you are likely to be commanding troops in the future, I'll tell you that morale is really important. Machiavelli was wrong. An army will do far more for you if they love you than if they fear you. If I'm doing my job right, you'll do both.
— Queen Sable
Queen Sable by Hero Forge
People just meeting the Mother of Bunnies in person are often surprised by how small she is. One would not expect such a dimuniative, middle-aged woman to be one of the most feared literomancers in the world.   But as a veteran of four Word Wars, the Bunny Queen is respected for her tactical and strategic acumen, and adored by her troops. They, and her students, call her "Mama Bunny," a title she loves. Motivated by genuine fear for her people's well-being, she is a demanding taskmaster, believing in frequent practice drills and regular physical training. However, her students know that when she says, "Good work! Well done!" and favours them with her sunny smile, this is the highest of praise, and they live to bask in that glow.   Queen Sable believes in intense teamwork in a manner that might remind a comics fan of Professor Xavier, enhancing individual strengths and covering for weaknesses. Her sense of humour is also legendary, breaking out far more often in her Filking Studies classes. She swears a lot, which makes her youngest students laugh.

Practical Magic

Literomancy becomes an integral part of everyday life and every part of who you are. It's important that you learn to treat it like second nature. If you can do that, you can really make a difference in the world.
— Prince Jean
Prince Jean by Hero Forge
The Lapin Crown Prince was one of WriterGreg's earliest students, and he quickly took up the teaching mantle when Greg established his school. When his father became the Headmaster, Prince Jean was one of the first to volunteer to help him keep the school going.   Jean is surprisingly quiet, even shy, for such a well-known literomancer and member of the royal family. He can often be found in Work Room 3 (Magical Crafting & Talismans), making things. Or, he may be giving instruction on the care and feeding of cryptids, including hands-on instruction, in conjunction with Dr. Lena Hoffmann.   He also assists his mother in instructing Magical Combat, and his sword speaks as loudly as his literomancy. He is polite, soft-spoken, and will not repeat himself, so his students tend to listen attentively (because yes, it will be on the quiz.)

Technomancy and Tutoring

Proper preparation and a solid plan are key to your success as a student.
— Senna Nightshade
Polemarch Senna Nightshade by Hero Forge
While Senna does most of her teaching at Penwall, she frequently makes appearances at the Warren to instruct rare students who show aptitude for technomancy, and tutor those who are struggling. Public about her autism diagnosis, she is valued for her exacting attention to detail, and she specializes in reaching students who don't do well in a traditional classroom setting. It is her advice that has led to the Warren Campus' excellent neurodiversity and disability accommodations.

Magical History and Social Studies

I'm here because you need my instruction today. Haven't you ever heard that those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it?
— Barbarossa the Wayfinder
Feral Wayfinder by Hero Forge
Feral Wayfinder is not officially on the Warren Campus faculty. However, he just appears from time to time, and when he does, his instruction is always relevant. He'll pop in and take over a math class to instruct in the history of WWI when there are questions about the effects of mechanization on war. He'll show up to teach military logistics just when Queen Sable is covering the subject, always with useful insights.   The Owsla have Wayfinder on their watch list for his chaos, but aside from disruption to the schedule, when he appears to teach, the chaos is minimal. Students relish the opportunity to learn from him because he's one of their favourite instructors, regardless of age and ability level.

Craig Barker and Theo Clark

Alchemy and Ink Magic

Alchemy is an exacting art, requiring significant attention to detail.
— Theo Clark
Nonsense! Alchemy is fun!
— Craig Barker
Theo Clark & Craig Barker by Hero Forge
Recruited from the Ailurus Storehouse team, Craig Barker and Theo Clark are an odd pair. While Theo is organized and precise — excellent in an alchemy teacher — Craig is less awkward and more personable. Craig's mischievous spirit, which he claims is sparked by the fact that he's officially retired "and too old to give a sh*t," helps his students develop an ability to think outside the box. Theo's organizational skills don't interfere with his bubbly enthusiasm, however.
WHY was there an explosion in the alchemy lab AGAIN?!
— Queen Sable
This article is a work in progress, and may be subject to changes.
This article is part of a series related to streaming the Game of Tomes. For more information, see Streaming Game of Tomes.
Founding Date
April 2022
Educational, School/Academy
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Related Ethnicities

Filking Studies

The Warren Campus is considered the world's premiere institution for Filking Studies. This is likely because many respected filkers have served as instructors here, including Prinx Tempest Kwake, King Consort Realm of Music, Queen Sable, and of course, the Headmaster. Course curriculum not only includes lyrical composition, rhyming, and punning, but performance arts magic as well.    


The campus "building" is a large underground space with quartz stone walls. There are nine Work Rooms, including a "combat arena" for magical combat training, often cheekily called "the Danger Room," after the famous training room from the X-Men comics. There are also four classrooms, dormitories that house students from primary grades to mature university students, and an auditorium.   Most of the Work Rooms also contain literomantic libraries, and students may be granted access to the libraries of the Warren itself with a special pass. It also features a cafeteria and student lounge, and provides direct access to the main body of the Warren complex, the Lapin Royal Hospital, and the Lapin Royal Military Academy through direct underground passages. Students often cross-train with the students at the Military Academy.   The school entrance is conveniently located right next to Lapin's HYLEX line, a high-speed overground train affectionately known as "the Cottontail."   Sekrits!
A trap door in the ceiling of Erin Righ's classroom connects to a hidden door near the Lapin Royal Kitchen through a secret passage ("Bolthole".) The passage is monitored, and equipped with lethal defenses.
Senna Nightshade, Lord Galakrond and Mykola Lapin-Void make use of Work Room 5 for a healing ritual for Queen Sable.   This scene is part of a full-length film, animated with HeroForge, in the Game of Tomes universe, The Kintsugi Queen.
An old fashioned ostrich feather quill and inkwell on a corner table
Pen by Yes X Com
The Grandbunnies by Hero Forge
Erin Righ and Queen Sable are excited that their grandchildren, Liam, Michael and Lizzi, are starting at the Warren Campus this year.
Dr. Lena Hoffman by HeroForge
King Consort Realm of Music by Hero Forge
A number of fantastical tomes on an old-fashioned wooden desk with an antique oil lamp
Ancient Tomes by Nathalia Books with Nightcafe

Cover image: Iron Tome by Misades
Character flag image: World Literomantic Academy Logo by moonflower with Canva


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