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01-07-22 Session Report

General Summary

Our session began with a quick remembrance to the plethora of giant crabs that were disturbed by the party. The crew of the Soul of Winter were very pleased with haul they players. Rough back to the ship. Several hearty meals would be had from the abundance of crab meat. Everyone knows a good way to a Dwarf's heart is thru their stomach. For now the crew is looking at these upstart adventurers with a little more positive attitude.   With a new day the crew moves us ever further to the south end of the island. With a little luck they discovered another location of potential shipwreck debri. With a few bubbles and some wooden remains the crew directs our party below. Using their experience with riding the anchor as a quick way to the sea floor below, they submerged into the water. Cautiously @Evan stayed behind aboard the ship. The last under water dive weighed heavy on all their minds. @Ashton and @Ramsey were able to keep their grip on the ride down, however @Roman wasn't as coordinated. With a minor slip of his hand he found himself spinning down into the deep. The three found themselves a short distance down below the the belly of the ship face to face with a long piece of driftwood, not a wreck like they had hoped for. After a little investigation and @Evan casting Detect Magic they were sure some objects remained below with the driftwood. Following a second dive the were able to dislodge three weapons in pristine condition, no damage from the salty sea was apparent. Their frustration was obvious looking at the amazingly crafted Mace, Glaive and Yklwa, they are magic but @Evan was still without a pearl of sufficient value to cast Identify. Excited by their find but disheartened by the lack of supplies they took to rest for the night.   The following day aspired to be a better experience for them all. Soon after breakfast a clamor arose from the crew above deck. They had happened across a trio of merrfolk that were in the care of a lost wishing well. They offered the crew and party a chance to make a wish and see if fate would desire to show them favor. Some power that be must have heard their pleas and decided their quest worthy of attention. The Merrfolk returned with a chest of objects for the party and wished them continued luck on their quest. Their excitement overwhelming they opened the chest to find a crystal orb, a pair of boots, a chain shirt, a medallion, a 50ft length of rope and a magnificent pearl. Finally a pearl of value enough to cast Identify and discover the function of the items they had collected that had a magical aura. They spent the rest of the afternoon working the Idenify ritual and familiarizing themselves with the items Magical abilities.   Fate and the call of destiny don't always shine in a positive light. Something that they had been searching for was on the horizon. The morning they were greater with was break and rainy but a shape could be seen off into the distance. A still afloat Emporer of the Waves. Seemly true to it's name the vessel remained above the sea, listing sharply to the port side and the top deck clear of anything. This included the mast, sails and rigging which were strangely missing, and @Evan wracked his knowledge while taking a closer look as the party boarded the ship. The damage was consistent with that of a sea going creature. What happened aboard this ship and what would they find? After some debate @Evan used another ritual to ask spirit of a Hawk for assistance while @Ashton and @Roman struggled with the grating to head below deck. @Ramsey and @RJ moved to the aft of the ship and the door below the quarterdeck. Showing his Draconic strength @Roman wedged his warhammer into the grating and wrenched it open. The squeal of metal almost as loud as the sounds coming from where their friends had gone moments before.   @Ramsey and @RJ tossed open the rear door with the utmost confidence, striding into the disheveled room, noting the strange table or stand in the center of the room and not worried by the refuse scattered about. They turned and start investigating the room and discovered it was occupied by a bipedal humanoid spider and a large arachnid, easily as big as a German Sheppard. They final saw the stairs that decend into the ships lower regions as several swarms of hundreds of tiny spiders poured from the dark recesses below. With a curse of surprise and horror our session ended.

Rewards Granted

#XP 100
Tomb of Annihilation
Report Date
09 Jan 2022

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