Solar Discharge

A mutant with this power is capable of storing up the very power of the sun and releasing it from her eyes in a searing burst of brilliant heat. Starting fires, boiling water, or roasting enemies is all in a day’s work for a solar-powered character.   Type: Major positive.   Effect: The mutant can discharge concentrated stored sunlight. The discharge has a range of medium (100 ft + 10 ft/character level), inflicting up to 6d6 points of fire damage (Reflex save DC 10 + half character level + the mutant’s Constitution modifier for half). The mutant decides at the time of discharge how many dice of damage to unleash. The discharge is a line area effect; it affects all creatures in a straight line up to the limit of the range.   The mutant re-accumulates two dice worth of energy every hour she spends in direct sunlight, or one die each hour under overcast skies. For every 12 hours she goes without spending at least half an hour in natural daylight (overcast conditions suffice), her reserve diminishes by one die; if her reserve reaches 0, she becomes fatigued until she manages to regain at least one die of charge. Her reserve holds a maximum number of dice equal to her Constitution modifier +12.   Biotech: Implant, Graft.

Cover image: Trash Planet by nkabuto