The subject instantly and automatically mimics accents, body language, and so on.
Type: Minor positive.
Effect: This mutation allows the character to subconsciously and automatically “fit in” when she talks with someone outside her own community. She mimics body language, accents, and idiomatic phrasing instantly, and does so in a way which seems natural, not forced. She ignores all penalties to social skills due to distance, and enjoys a +4 bonus on any tasks related to discerning social rules or customs, provided she is within 25 feet of a native. She cannot read minds or pick up specific thoughts. This ability does not make someone more inclined to like her, just less inclined to hate her—in other words, it negates penalties, but does not provide any bonus. (Someone with this and
Harmonious Pheromones is a diplomat par excellence, however!)
Biotech: No.