The Drowning Lands Geographic Location in Gandrain | World Anvil
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The Drowning Lands

Like many such places the true name of the plains aren't commonly used by those besides the locals. The Asa Ma Lana Ii are also not an easy people to talk to in general and stick to themselves. They call their home, simply home in their native language and call other villages on the plains depending on the levels of comfort or friendship. Most often one's village is called Maja and a close village or friends village is called Na Maja, meaning home from home. A village that is far away is instead given a distinctive feature in relation to the village referring to it, Maka de Dia, place in the path of the rising moon Dia. These therms can be used to navigate by people who are familiar with them.   The Asa Ma Lana Ii are not alone in inhabiting the lands of the Drowning but others still remain more reclusive, there are myths that the expansive plains deadly to ships harbor many hidden peoples whose discovery is near impossible. Some stories tell of the Cave People, also called the Jubi de Mii, most directly translated to the people of the underwater paths. They're told to live in underwater caves, such that house untold treasures, these myths are the main reason the Asa Ma Lana Ii are plagued by pirates.    The relatively endless shallow waters house untold stories of people who look and speak what seems to be alien languages and appearances. Their culture as far separated as can be from what they call the Yudi de Lu, the walkers of the land paths.


The shallow plains are between one to forty feet submerged underwater almost uniformly across the expanse. There are sand banks with small amounts of vegetation but they are seldom and go unused by the people of the region who view land as a rather unpleasant side affect of nature. Deeper patches are also found but these are often the result of stronger current or other dangers and are also often best left alone.    The submerged land is far from uniform in make up though, consisting of patches of coral reef, loose sand banks, kelp forests, rocket ridges and caverns, and even shallow forests, these trees are often at the center of villages. Their called an oasis the same way one might see a green patch in a desert.    The ocean itself is an almost neon blue of the most beautiful seas. Shifting constantly with deep rivers of green where the kelp grows. The sand banks spark bright wight and the shells and color of the region are known for their intricacy and depth of color, from interbreeding and age. The natives sometimes sell them if they like the traders.    The only noticeable change made by the natives to the land scape are banks of help that they grow for miles and the sand banks they build to keep ships from docking near villages.


One of the reasons the shells and color are so plentiful is because of lack of natural predators. The shallows don't support large creatures of predatory nature  though sometimes they can get into the eco system the waters don't provide enough maneuverability and they often get stuck and die.    The only creature that does stock of lands is a cousin of the wolsie, called a Mai Ii, but the wild ones are uncommon and the natives keep the domesticated as pets and hunting companions. This means commonly the reefs, kelp forests and other eco systems become over burdened, the villages have begun fishing and preserving their catch to try and stop this. The villages keep strict eyes on fish and other creatures to make sure the balance is kept, which is one reason why the Mia Ii where first domesticated to prolong their lives.
Alternative Name(s)
The Shallow Plains


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