Armour of Shar Item in Garlan | World Anvil

Armour of Shar

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Plate as dark as the midnight sky, forged by the divine Goddess Shar to protect her favoured champion. Intricate designs are etched into the surface, marking out stories of Shar's victories. They say the patterns themselves are magical, twisting and turning into a different mythological tale with every passing hour. The designs themselves are filled in with a deep, tyrian purple paint, magically treated so that it will never scuff or wear.   Only one set exists in the world, and currently it's exact whereabouts are unknown. People have seen a knight, heard tales of them travelling across the globe, from continent to the next in a matter of minutes. Rumour has it this Knight is looking for a challenge worthy of them, seeking out a sweet release from the eternal servitude of the Goddess. Others say the Knight relishes in killing and hunting for their divine patron.  


  Long before Shar and her sister were at war with each other, Shar forged this armour in the Eternal Fire as part of her training under the All Father. She chose the colours to represent the night sky and her own divine symbol, and the patterns etched into the armour denote her and her sister's first successful hunt.   As a gift, she gave it to her first champion - Fiora Bry'vardd, her most loyal companion. Though none have since lived up to Shar's expectations of her first champion, there are a few who have come close. Still, Fiora would feel the significance of the armour she bore every day until she took her final breaths and begged that Shar let her pass to the afterlife in peace.   After Fiora, none would wear the armour until after Shar and Selune began their eternal war. Only then would another champion don her armour. Only then would another strike fear into the hearts of Shar's enemies in her name once more. It would pass onto a great number of champions - some who spent lifetimes wearing the plate, while others would not be so lucky in their hard fought battles.


Armour of the divine
Item type
65 lb.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Plate armour forged from black steel
Anvil and forge.

Cover image: by SunlanceXIII


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