Ferish Language in Garlan | World Anvil


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Common is the universal language in Garlan. Almost everyone and their children know it, to the point where it is expected that anyone who can speak, read and write, should be able to do so in Common.   This is no different for the people of Feren, a county within the continental borders of Varenfall. However, the people of Feren have also developed their own language over countless generations - Ferish.   Ferish can be traced back to well before the Great Scourge, almost as far back as 4000 IDY. Reasons for its existence have been widely speculated, though most agree now that the cultural differences between Feren and the other counties was so great that the divide between them forced the people to later their very speech.

Geographical Distribution

Used commonly throughout Feren, almost as often as Common itself. The people are willing enough to teach foreigners how to speak, read and write Ferish, and those willing to learn find it easy enough to pick up. Since Feren also has a lot of ports, a lot of travellers and traders (and pirates) have also picked up the language. Although it's uses outside of Feren are far and few between, it is always nice for a native from Feren to be able to speak in Ferish whilst outside of their homeland.
Common Phrases
Slipped from the line - has had too much to drink, is drunk or tipsy, constantly swaying to and fro (likely from alcohol).   Anchor your heart - steel yourself, your emotions, in preparation for an emotionally draining event. Often used at funerals, or in the case of bad news to prepare a person for the worst.   Don't seek the sun-kissed shores - essentially, don't get your hopes up too high when you know you're about to be disappointed.

Cover image: by SunlanceXIII


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