Soldiers Curse Condition in Garlan | World Anvil

Soldiers Curse

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They call it a curse, as though only magic could affect a persons mind so terribly.


A range of symptoms have been noted on a case by case basis. They can vary from person to person, but most include:   Panic attacks - often triggered by events that simulate whatever occurred in an individual's life that led to them developing Soldiers Curse. This includes things like similar sounds and environments (or the exact same environment, to the point where very few can travel back to where the initial event occurred).   Depressive episodes - sometimes triggered in the same way as panic attacks, but these episodes are often unpredictable and can be set off by anything at any time. They can last for months at a time.   Uncontrollable or unpredictable periods of anger - often seen hand in hand with depressive episodes. People can became easily irritable and more quick to anger than they normally would.


There's no cure for Soldiers Curse, but it can be managed and maintained with a combination of healing herbs and therapy sessions. The latter of these treatments is a fairly new idea, having only been implemented in Varenfall over the last 35 years, and only implemented across the globe in the last 10.   With healing herbs, individuals with the condition are given herbs with calming and relaxation effects to prevent over-stimulation.   For therapy, it is not completely accessible to everyone - there are not a large amount of healers that have experience with the practice, and some healers that are well versed in it sell their services for an extraordinarily high price. However, when this comes hand in hand with the healing herbs, the benefits seen in an individuals mental health makes every coin worth it.   There are also those who offer their magical prowess in order to just make people forget the initial event that led to them developing Soldiers Curse in the first place.

Cultural Reception

Because of how the condition affects a person, so many people will either fear or outright pity and individual with Soldiers Curse.

Cover image: by SunlanceXIII


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