

Outcrop Chleana

You live where water ends and rocky shore begins, as such you're a consummate climber. You gain the Combat Climber skill feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites. You can use your tentacles to Climb, leaving your hands free. Additionally, if you succeed at an Athletics check to Climb, you critically succeed instead.  

Mimic Chleana

Your chromatophores have become so adept at disguise that they draw on ambient magics to improve even further. You can cast Illusory Disguise as an occult innate spell at will. Thanks to your malleable body, your ability to be “another creature of the same body shape” is as expansive as you can argue and the GM allows.  

Tetrod Chleana

The venom of chleana is quite powerful, and some individuals’ are so strong their body had to become resilient lest it poison itself. You gain resistance to poison equal to half your level (minimum 1 resistance), and you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all saving throws against poison.  

Phorean Chleana

You can change your skin color to blend in with your surroundings, making minor shifts with a single action and dramatic changes over the course of an hour. When you're in an area where your coloration is similar to the environment (for instance, forest green in a forest), you can use the minor, single action application of this ability to make localized changes that help you blend into your surroundings, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks until your surroundings change in coloration or pattern.  

Ganglion Chleana

It is said chleana have brains spread through their body. While this isn’t quite accurate, your dense neurons make you quite intelligent. You are Expert in Will saving throws.  

Ancestry Feats

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As a chleana, you select from among the following ancestry feats.  


TENTACLE GRIP___________________________FEAT 1
Your many tentacles allow you to get a superior grip on an opponent. You can grapple creatures up to one size category larger than you. If you are attempting to grapple a creature your size, you have a +4 circumstance bonus.   SUCKER STRENGTH_________ _______________FEAT 1
You have exercised the suckers on your tentacles to be exceptionally strong. You can now equip shields to your tentacles and they gain the free-hand trait.   MANTLE'S MIGHT__________________________FEAT 1
You have an astonishing amount of neural density, allowing you to concoct plans with startling speed. You gain access to the calculate threats action.   MECHANICALLY MINDED____________________FEAT 1
Solving complex issues comes naturally to you. You get a +1 circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge rolls. You are trained in Games Lore.    


AMBUSCADE______________ _______________FEAT 5
Prerequisites expert in Stealth
Requirements You are near an environmental feature that would allow you to Take Cover.
Your natural ability to slightly shift your coloration lends itself well to quickly setting an ambush. You Take Cover and then use that cover to Hide. Additionally, you gain the trained proficiency in Crafting. If you were already trained in Crafting, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You gain the Snare Crafting feat.   PISCINE PUNCH__________ _______________FEAT 5
Sometimes, like an annoying fish pestering you, a creature just has to be smacked. You gain an unarmed tentacle attack that deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. Your tentacles are in the brawling group and have the finesse and nonlethal traits. When you are making multiple unarmed tentacle attacks, the multi-attack penalty will only be -2 and then -4.   IMPLEMENTATION_________________________FEAT 5
Breaking down how something works is just a matter of analyzing its form. When you come across a set of tools, you perform a Recall Knowledge check with a +2 circumstance bonus so long as you are not in combat. If you critically succeed, you are considered trained with that tool for the rest of the day.   DEXTEROUS SUCKERS______________________FEAT 5
Prerequisites Sucker Strength
Your suckers have continued to get stronger, making your grip hard to break. Club weapons wielded by your tentacles gain the hampering and trip traits. Additionally, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks to Climb.   INKY DEFENSE____________ _______________FEAT 5
As a small creature, there are many threats you’ll likely rather run from. You can cast darkness as a primal innate spell once per day, however it must emanate from you and it will only last 5 rounds. When you cast it, you will also get a free stride action.    


WEAPON WHIRLWIND______________________FEAT 9
Prerequisites Tentacle Grip
A   COCONUT ARMOR__________ _______________FEAT 9
Prerequisites Sucker Strength


BLINDING RINGS_________________ _______FEAT 13
Prerequisites Inky Defense
A   UNBREAKABLE GRIP______________________FEAT 13
Prerequisites Sucker Strength

Chleana Mechanics

6   SIZE
Small   SPEED
25 feet   BOOSTS
Free   FLAWS
Strength   TENTACLES
The eight tentacles chleana stand on don’t all have to be used for standing at once. They can use these ‘spare’ tentacles to perform as additional arms, albeit less dexterous ones. Chleana can hold up to four objects at once, two with their normal arms, and two with tentacles. If one equips weapons, they are used with Clumsy 3. Weapons in the club group can be equipped without issue.