Everwhen Physical / Metaphysical Law in Garragunya | World Anvil


The liminal space between the seconds where the Albions are trapped in a never-ending kaleidoscope of past, present, and future. This plane, if its instability can even grant it that title, is inescapable to any living being. Its shifting chaos and mysterious rhythms make it impossible to map or even draw upon without being overwhelmed by the alien perception of time there. Truly, a fitting prison for those who nearly destroyed the world.    However, non-living things can exit it. At wholly random intervals, Albion technology will occasionally drop out of sync with the Everwhen and return to the world. It does not escape immune to the effects of the Everwhen though, and will come out chronally different - meaning it could come out new, the same as when it entered the Everwhen, or old. Imagine a ship the on breaking through to our world is so new that it is returned a heap of unassembled parts fresh off the production line, or a weapon that has rusted and deteriorated as if it has spent a million years in a midden pit. There is no predictability as to which way an object will be treated on leaving that plane, nor when it will rejoin the world.