
The second people of the Blessed Triumvirate, they were chosen for how well they embodied the second gift: protection. This people, elevated from the sea turtles of the skies and seas, became the wisest of the Blessed Triumvirate. They have an exceptionally high number of dreamwalkers as their natural defenses make it much easier for them to survive the process. They are a people for whom patience is paramount, and they will hold debates before making any large decision. Often holding them at the amphitheaters of Chelon, where any are allowed to sit in and voice their contribution.   Like all of the Blessed, Hamang have exceptionally long lifespans. They will on average live 150 years. They possess incredibly tough shells on their backs, as well as a separate section of shell on the front of their abdomen. Their limbs are enlarged and widened at the ends, allowing them to swim with ease. Their limbs and head may seem drastically less protected, but in reality their scales on those areas are shaped into patterns that form protection runes just as tough as their shells.