Thargomin Ethnicity in Garragunya | World Anvil


The Thargomin are a simple people, probably why I was drafted into creating this entry for Imedgi's little passion project. They keep to themselves, and don't butt in to anyone else's work demanding they write something outside their realm of expertise.   They are an extremely easy to get along with people, and have been solid working companions the few times I have been fortunate enough to work with them. They have stayed out of any major conflicts or squabbles with anyone else, and when your neighbors are some of the most violent peoples in Garragunya I'm not surprised that is the attitude you'd adopt.    


  As I said, the Thargomin keep to themselves. It's not like their area is devoid of threats, it's Venator lands after all. And Great Sharks will frequently be found in their songlines too. Despite it all they endure. They are tough, and confident enough in that to be not only relaxed but also fairly solitary. They are adept survivalists, and know the best ways to navigate their scrubland environment with ease. Most Thargomin will wander their lands on their own, and only exchange some handicrafts and pleasantries if they run into another.   This does change though during the special days of the year. They will hold large gatherings, and there will be a lot of... socializing we'll say. There is also a lot of group cooking events, trading of crafting methods, didgeridoo concerts, and more. These events focus in particular on those teachable techniques, making sure that as many people know the best ways to shape a eucalyptus sapling into a staff or what have you.    Out of all their tools and techniques, most people probably know of them from their small and specialized bug gathering tools. They continuously refine the best ways to find all the edible insects in their lands, and make some damn good tools to do it. I still have yet to find better tweezers for detail work when on an archeological dig.      


  Thargomin have a sentient body plan, but both sets of limbs end in large and clawed appendages. They use these to burrow through the ground, or tear into their favorite food source: termite mounds. In addition to these large paws, their faces also possess a large snout. This greatly expands the sensitivity of their sense of smell. Their sight is also extremely keen.   Of course their most obvious defining feature is their spines. All along their body are tough, rigid spines that are controlled by individual muscles. Those muscles along with some minor fat stores form a thick layer, in some cases up to 5 inches. This layer is under the skin wherever the spines are, so basically everywhere except the front of their abdomen and their face.   When having children, they are similar to the other mammalian peoples as they have a pouch. Where they differ though, is they lay an egg in that pouch first and then the child grows up. Typically a Thargomin woman will only have one child per pregnancy.       Article contributed by Galna Artan, professor of History.

Mechanical Stats

  Ability Score Increase: Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 1.   Size: Thargomin stand between 6 and 8 feet tall at the top of the head (with the spines adding about a foot), and average 260 lbs. Your size is Medium.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.   Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.   Digging Claws: Using your massive paws, as long as you are not holding anything you have a burrowing speed of 10 feet.   Spiny Defense: Any unarmed attack made against you will take 2d6 piercing damage. Any attempt to grapple you will result in 2d6 piercing damage, and an additional 2d6 piercing damage for every turn the grapple is sustained.   Claws: Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you can deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.   Damage Resistance: Thanks to your tough spines and burrowing ability, you are resistant to fire damage.