Wirraga Ethnicity in Garragunya | World Anvil


Filled with potent venom, these powerful toxicasters wield magic as natural prodigies. But inborn skill means nothing if you do not prove yourself capable in action. The wirraga see themselves stewards of Garragunya - its greatest champions - and have the duty to protect the weak and punish the wicked. With who they deem weak or wicked largely being based on who has trifled with them.  
One of the most populous peoples; wirraga swim, slither, and stomp across the most geographically diverse area in all of Garragunya. This myriad landscape has pushed them to be adaptable and versatile, and they relish the challenge to thrive in these evolving wilds. Their honed skills and refined magics often put them a cut above the rest - a proverbial high ground some wirraga lord over other peoples.   This isn't to say all wirraga carry a superiority complex, with the vast majority having a more softened view of having to shield others that aren't as capable as the proud wirraga. They maintain strong bonds to those who fight alongside them, often seeing them as siblings to protect. This ties deeply to their family history, when a clutch is born they are the epitome of "As iron sharpens iron, brother sharpens brother".   If you want a character who is skilled, loyal, and perhaps a bit too self-confident, you should play a wirraga.  

You Might...

  • Forgo others opinions in areas you have experience in, backed by your ability to preform as such.
  • Have close relationships who are all skilled in something different, giving you a diverse network of experts to call upon.
  • Handle yourself with a tempered calm in familiar scenarios, but refuse to acknowledge curveballs thrown your way in them.

Others Probably...

  • Will try to prove their worth in combat scenarios to earn you as an ardent ally.
  • Assume you will look down on them for being a different people, and view your actions in a patronizing light.
  • Cede to your opinion in areas you have shown competency.

Physical Description

Wirraga are serpentine humanoids that typically stand between 5 and 6 feet tall, and possess a grace to their movements many would liken to slithering. They will typically have long, curved necks that allow them to sway and swivel their heads with ease. Their necks are also adorned with resplendent hoods used to charm or intimidate those they converse with. Depending on if they are from aquatic islands, they will have a paddle on the end of their tail and lack the more common hood to better cut through the water. Despite all the serpentine features they carry, all wirraga stand on a pair of digitigrade legs.    

Wirraga Heritages

Peregrine Mulla

Wirraga lands are diverse in their environments, and the challenge of traversing such varied lands is the task some clutches dedicate their lives to. You can Hustle twice as long while exploring before you have to stop; and you ignore difficult terrain in deserts, forests, swamps, and plains.  

Tracker Mulla

You come from a long line of skilled hunters and trackers and have a particularly keen sense of smell. You gain imprecise scent with a range of 30 feet. This means you can use your sense of smell to determine a creature’s location, as explained on page 465 of the Core Rulebook. The GM will usually double the range if you’re downwind from the creature or halve the range if you’re upwind. In addition, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Track a creature or object if you’ve smelled it before.  

Ambush Mulla

Some wirraga become so expert at sneaking up on prey through stalking and camouflaging it became innate. You may treat all cover as one level higher than it is when in natural environments. Additionally, you move twice as fast when Squeezing.  

Coral Narrogin

From a lineage of swimming amongst the coral reefs, you have a swim speed of 20 feet. Your ancestors were constantly weaving through these crevices and crags to find the best prey, having to chase it through the water column. As such, you do not treat ascending or descending while swimming as difficult terrain. When you succeed at an Athletics check to Swim, you get a critical success instead.  

Pelagic Narrogin

Coming from a line of open water swimmers, you have a swim speed of 20 feet. You know how to use the currents and the primal magic of water to guide your attacks. You gain the Underwater Marauder skill feat, and your piercing ranged attacks don't have their range increments halved when fighting underwater targets.  

Ancestry Feats

At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As a wirraga, you select from among the following ancestry feats.  


Wirraga hone their skills with weapons as adaptable and elegant as they are. You are trained with the spear, machete, rungu, and trident. In addition, you gain access to all uncommon wirraga weapons. For you, martial wirraga weapons are simple weapons and advanced wirraga weapons are martial weapons.   FONT OF VENOM__________________ ________FEAT 1
You have such an excess of venom that you do not have to channel all of it into making magic. Whenever you make a fangs unarmed attack, when you would deal 1d6 piercing damage instead deal 1d4 piercing damage and 1d4 poison damage.   UP TO THE CHALLENGE_____________ ________FEAT 1
Wirraga try to be prodigies in their chosen professions, and rise to the occasion when someone tries to best them. When being challenged, treat a check as one level Trained higher than normal once a day. You must be at least Trained in the given skill first.   FAMILY FEUDER___________________________FEAT 1
Sparring amongst siblings to get stronger can result in accidental bites. You have done this so much that you have built up some resilience to toxins entering your system. You have poison resistance 4.   WIRRAGA LORE_______ ____________________FEAT 1
The wirraga value becoming excellent in the paths of life they choose. Integrating the natural magic of the world into their movements to enhance their abilities in ways everyone can plainly see. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Performance and Arcana. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Wirraga Lore.   ADOPTED SIBLING_________________________FEAT 1
Those you care about are practically family, and family always helps family. You can cast the guidance cantrip as a primal innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.    


Prerequisites Wirraga Weapon Familiarity
You’ve endlessly practiced with your weapons such that they are an extension of your very limbs. Whenever you critically hit using one of the weapons from your Wirraga Weapon Familiarity, you apply the weapon’s critical specialization effect.   TERRIFYING BITE___________ _______________FEAT 5
Prerequisites Font of Venom
Your venom has become stronger with use, so potent it can even affect the mind. Your fang attack instead deals 1d6 poison and 1d4 piercing damage. The target must attempt a Fortitude save.
Success The target is unaffected.
Failure Target is enfeebled 1.
Critical Failure Target is enfeebled 2.
  RESPECTED IN YOUR FIELD__________________FEAT 5
Typically seen as a prodigy in your field in the wider world, sometimes even experts will defer to you. When you attempt to make a Diplomacy or Performance roll you may add a +2 circumstance bonus if it can feasibly be tied to a skill you are Trained in. If you are already trained in Diplomacy and Performance this still applies.    


The fluid movements of your graceful body enrapture all those who look upon it. You begin to dance and are unable to take the stride action, in view of all creatures within 60 feet. The target must attempt a Will save against the higher of your class DC or spell DC.
Success The target is unaffected.
Failure On its turn, the target cannot take the stride action. It cannot attack you.
Critical Failure The target is immobilized and cannot attack you.   SKILL BEATS WILL________________________FEAT 9
When you are going to make a Will saving throw, you may substitute your Wisdom modifier for your key ability score’s modifier.    


Prerequisites Wirraga Weapon Familiarity
You truly are a prodigy, granting you exceeding skill with wirraga weapons. Whenever you gain a class feature that grants you expert or greater proficiency in a given weapon or weapons, you also gain that proficiency in the scythe, warhammer, and all wirraga weapons in which you are trained.

Wirraga Mechanics

6   SIZE
Medium   SPEED
You can see in dim light as though it were bright light and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.   FANGS
Your mouth contains either rows of hooked, needle-sharp teeth or a pair of vicious serpent fangs. You gain a fangs unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage. Your fangs are in the brawling group and have the finesse and unarmed traits.

Wirraga Adventurers

   Their desire to prove their competency pushes many wirraga to become adventurers, and to take on dangerous missions.
   With some of the most potent venom amongst the Peoples, wirraga most often become sorcerers and psychics while some push to the frontlines as champions and magi.
    Typical wirraga backgrounds include deckhand, tide watcher, martial disciple, and warrior. Particularly accomplished wirraga might have the noble or mystic tutor backgrounds.