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Vampires are some of the most prominent night walkers I Garthaal, they took over in one fell swoop and with great ease.   Why do you ask? It’s because instead of killing their enemies they make them one of their own, slowly turning former friends, lovers, allies into an enemy that knows your fears and weaknesses.   Many rumors concerning vampires have circulated throughout time about their powers, their abilities, and their weaknesses   Some say that vampires are shapeshifters, capable of transforming into mist or bats, some say they are able to bend your mind making you a slave without you ever knowing.   What is known about a vampire, however, is this: the older the vampire is the more powerful he becomes.   Humans have come to recognize vampire families and ranks.  

Vampire ranks


Vampire spawn


From 0 to 100 years

  Vampire spawns: Humans that have died from a vampire bite. Empty husks seeking only to sate their hunger for the life they once possessed, these beasts can be controlled by a true vampire, or a vampire of higher standing, after many centuries the creature has a slight chance of becoming a true vampire.   This spawns are mindless beasts only attracted by the scent of blood their speed is enhanced as their teeth elongate and they gain the ability to see in the darkness.   Although the scars and blows received before becoming vampires remain, they seem to process the ability to slowly regenerate over time leaving their bodies in the same state it was when they died.  

True Vampire

From 100 to 200 years

  A true vampire is born when a vampire spawn complete its transition, regaining lost memories and personality, one would assume that this is a good thing, this could not be further from the truth as in most cases the vampire regaining its memories seeks its former allies which often result in tragedy.   As they advance in years so does their powers, their vision becomes more acute, their sense of hearing and smell becomes as sensitive as that of a cat or a dog, their speed grows as well as their ability to regenerate.   They also gain the ability to turn into mists, bats they also gain the ability to fly.      

Vampire knight

From 200 to 300 years

  Woe to the fool who takes on a vampire knight, these creatures have advanced well beyond what a true vampire is capable of, this creature is rumored to sustain the heaviest of damages regenerating limbs in a matter of seconds, their speed is unfathomable, and their powers terrifying those who survived a vampire knight’s attack relate tales of a creature that lays waste to an army of humans in matter of seconds, shrouding them in darkness as it picks them off one by one, destroying heavy weaponry with its bare hands, crushing skills as if they were made of paper.  

Vampire lord

From 300 to 400 years

  If a vampire knight is a nightmare to humans, a lord is the epicenter of terror. Some say these creatures can visit you in your dreams toy with your nightmares and bend you until you break, attacking those creatures with weapons would be foolish for any blow would simply vanish as the blade slides off it’s flesh.   Bats, wolves, crows and raven obey to this creature’s beck and call serving as spies and messengers.   If a lord sets his eyes on you, kill yourself because you are already dead.  

vampire king/queen

From 400 to 500 years

  Beyond the vampire lord, is the king or queen having all the powers of the aforementioned vampires, these monstrosities have the ability to bend the will of their own kind.  

Elder Vampire

From 500 to 600 years

  The older form of vampire documented to date only three vampires known to men are as old, none has survived their attack.  

First Vampire

As I write this article, a terrifying idea comes to mind, every vampire known to us has previously been human going through the transition cycle gaining in power the older they are.   Who or what tuned humans into vampires, what power do they have? Where is it right now? If such creature exists, I do not wish to be its enemies.   Uri Vasilev—Keeper of lore.

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