Punitive Celestials Species in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil

Punitive Celestials

Punitive Celestials are born through the union between mortals and one of Punitive Angels, angels that deserted Shimmer to serve Overtyrant. They are - as all celestials hailing from the angels serving monotheistic gods - rare.. and powerful, with pretty much every one of them bound to ascend to high levels of society from birth.   After all, every magic guild is going to do a lot to get their hands of every one of them that wasn't earlier stole by their native religious hierarchies.

Basic Information


Typical humanoids with two hands, two legs and a head. Tend to be quite tall and, as most celestials, rather beautiful. Possess an inborn talent for Holy Magic of Overtyrant's type, and general Black Magic.

Biological Traits

Their halo manifests as a dark violet circle floating above their head.   They can use it to instantly cause devastating mental mental and sanity damage to everyone if evil character in the vicinity. There are also - as in case of all celestial halos - other options, manifesting in the form of unique spells available to them when manifesting their halos (the one mentioned earlier is common, however).
Created by: Daemons.
IC: Occurence: Elusive
IC: Danger: Not Threatened


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