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Cutpurse's Friend

Through hand gestures, you can create a magnetic sphere around most metallic objects via a touch. During this effect, all non-secured or worn metallic objects within a 15' cube to be pulled towards it. Generally, an object will be pulled if it weighs 2lbs or less. Any object welded by a creature that weighs less than 2lbs or has the light property in the radius needs to make a strength saving throw against the spell casters DC or lose it's grip on the object. If the creature meets the DC it cannot be contested for it's grip again on the same object for the rest of combat.   This object may also be used to determine the true north of most planetary environments.
Material Components:Somatic, Material (Any conductive metallic object)
Related Element: Electric
Effect Duration: 1 Minute
Effect Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Manacost 0
Source: Warlock

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