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Downtime Activities


  • Downtime activities are measured in 8 hour periods. Generally, it takes 8 hours of uninterrupted work to complete a downtime activity.
  • Periods of downtime can very in duration. You may be awarded only 1 downtime activity, but could instead be awarded an entire month.
  • Each downtime activity will require a certain amount of days to be completed, which do not need to be consecutive, and you do not need to keep doing the same task.
  • You can perform the same activity as someone else.
  • List of activities

    These are only a few examples of what is available, feel free to ask if there is something you are thinking about doing.   Improve Relations - By spending time with locals or an organization, you can improve your relations with different members wheither it be the lower class or high ranking nobles.
    Class/Rank Cost Per Day Notes
    Lower 5 SP Serfs, Peasants, Villagers
    Middle 1 GP Abbericians, Craftsmen, skilled Laborers
    High 2 GP Chief, Nobles, Business Owners
    Special Varies Assassins, Guilds, Organizations
      Crafting - This will allow you to engineer, and create all kinds of useful items from raw materials. This is split into two separate categories, magical and Mundane:
    • Mundane objects, such as adventuring equipment works of art, or certain magical trinkets fall under this category. You must be proficient with the tools related to the object you are trying to create, and may also require special ingredients or certain locations to craft. For example, someone trying to craft a Semi-auto pistol requires a gunsmith's kit and half the cost of the item at market value in raw materials. Each day you can craft a total amount of items not worth more than 100GP at market value. If you are crafting something worth more than 100GP it will be crafted in 100GP-increments.
    • Magical objects, such as magical adventuring equipment, enchanted furniture, and powerful baubles require a special crafting item, which will come with the various properties that will come with it.
      Profession - You can work using your profession. If you are working on a day labor basis without employment, you will earn a base Proficiency x 8 each day in credits. If you are employed, or an organization is willing to hire you, you will instead earn (10+Proficiency)8 each day. Continuous employment may result in promotions which can come with other perks. Certain professions are barred from employment and/or may contain modifiers to acquiring payment, such as black-hat hacking, drug distribution, or working in hazardous environments.   Research - You can gain insight into Organizations, locations, societies, mysteries, deities, or anything of the sort. Certain things may take more time than others to fully research, but each day will generally reveal some sort of information. Some information could even be locked behind a paywall. This can also be used to find information on future sessions, such as trying to find blueprints for buildings, researching customs to fit-in with crowds, and identifying hostile arsenal Information/Items may be found during downtime/missions that could result in a new research opportunity.   Training - You can spend time learning new languages, professions, or combat/spell techniques. For learned skills, you will need a trainer before you can perform this. You can learn other skills without a trainer, however using a trainer will always grant a *1.25 increase in points earned.   Group Agendas - From time-to-time there may be a group agenda or task that can be performed during downtime, such as research, exploration, or construction.   Foraging - Requires a nature and survival roll. Results are dependent on location of character.   Rumor Monger - WIP   Personal Quest Advancement - If your character has a personal quest, you can spend days to perform the task. The quests are open-ended, so be sure I am aware of your personal quest before you try to advance it. These can come from character backstories, or something your character wants to commit a good amount of time to do. Perhaps they have taken a likening to a local community in a campaign and wish to return and improve the denizen's livelihoods. Another example would be your character seeing the profits made by a well-known Kingpin, and having the desire to overthrow and take their place.  

    Abberician-Specific Activities

      Engorge Mana I - Increase mana by 1.   Spell Tradition - Gain knowledge of a low-level spell of X-type, X being an element type you can cast.   Spell Theory I - Gain an additional spell to cast. Limited to Paladins, Rangers, or other limited abberaturgy spellcasting traits.


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