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Nature Spell List


Mana: Nature Spellcasters get 1 + (Class Level / 2 )* Wisdom Modifier mana.
  • 100% of your mana will be restored on a long rest ( 8 hours long)
Spells Known: You learn 2 initial spells, and learn 1 additional spell per level
  • You can also replace one known spell with a different spell upon level up, or using downtime days.

Spell List

Spell Name
Mana Cost
Cast Time
Hunter's Mark 1 1 Bonus Action 1 Hour 90' Yes
Calm Animal 1 1 Action 1 Day 30' -
Detect Poison and Disease 1 1 Action[1] 15 Minutes 30' Yes
Commune with Animals 1 1 Action 15 Minutes Self -
Minor Water Breathing 1 1 Bonus Action[1] 8 Hours Touch -
Create/Destroy Water 1 1 Action[1] Instantaneous 60' -
Sow Fear 1 1 Action Varies 45' -
Mud Pool 1 1 Action[1] 1 minute 60' Yes
Chameleon Scales 1 1 Bonus Action 1 Hour Touch -
Vine Protector 1 1 Action 1 Minute 30' -
Minor Cure Wounds 1 1 Bonus Action Instantaneous Touch -
Skeeter Sting 1 1 Action Instantaneous Touch -
Root in Place 1 1 Reaction Instantaneous 60' -
Lesser Summon Swamp Fungi Varies 1 Action 1 Minutes 30' -
Magg Alarm 1 1 Action[1] Until triggered Touch -
Smooth Gale 1 1 Action 1 Hour[1] Touch -
[1] - Can be ritual casted.

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Articles under Nature Spell List

Calm Animal
Spell | Jul 10, 2022

Charm a beast within 30'

Chameleon Scales
Spell | Jul 11, 2022

Cover a creature in chameleon-like skin to hide them in their enviroment

Commune with Animals
Spell | Jul 10, 2022

Communicate with natural animals

Detect Poison and Disease
Spell | Jul 10, 2022

Detect disease and poison nearby

Hunter's Mark
Spell | Jul 10, 2022

Increase damage towards a targetted creature by 1d6

Lesser Summon Swamp Fungi
Spell | Jul 11, 2022

Calling upon the fungi, you can summon some mushroom friends for assistance.

Magg Alarm
Spell | Jul 11, 2022

You inscribe a seal upon any stone, acting as a personal ward. You This seal acts as a sensor for a certain condition on what may trigger it, such as any humanoid creature or if it detects divine light. This effect will trigger if the condition is met wit

Minor Water Breathing
Spell | Feb 11, 2023

Grant a creature the ability to breathe underwater temporarily.

Mud Pool
Spell | Jul 11, 2022

Create difficult terrain using mud.

Root in Place
Spell | Jul 11, 2022

Prevent one target from moving, falling prone, etc. If they try to resist they may lose their movement.

Skeeter Sting
Spell | Jul 11, 2022

You form a large pincer with your hand used to pierce a targets skin. Using a touch attack, you can attack one adjacent creature dealing 2d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier in insectum damage. This spell has no effect on undead, constructs, or other

Smooth Gale
Spell | Sep 23, 2022

Increase speed of a target by touching them

Sow Fear
Spell | Feb 28, 2023

Cause one creature to fear you for one minute

Vine Protector
Spell | Jul 16, 2022

A horde of vines suddenly grow in an unoccupied 5' square within range. The Vines have AC 10 and 10 HP. Whenever an ally adjacent to the tree is hit by an attack, the vines will cover the damage with itself. Any additional damage is dealt to the original


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