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Charhyan Federation

A federation of six jungle states, comprising the southeast peninsula of Keshloam, that spend as much time working against each other as they do anything else. There is constant jockeying for power, subtle and overt political machinations, and the lingering feeling of provincial supremacy throughout the federation.   Recently, however, there have been efforts emerging from some states--notably Tonda (whose capital, Remtalos, currently serves as the federation capital) and Marrahogh--to foster unity among these perpetually opposed states and start to push back against outside threats, especially the ever-encroaching Alerki Ascendency.

The Federation Capital moves between the Charhyan states, and is determined by election. Tonda has held the capital or the last twelve years. Other notable states include Bytherio.   Mankorla, a wild thorn-like jungle, encompasses much of its territory.    
Political, Federation
Government System
Controlled Territories

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