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The lore of the Cloakbearers originates in the nomadic people of The Icehost.   Ancient Gavrosians called the first six stars that appeared in the sky before night the Cloakbearers, celestial beings that are responsible for dragging the cloak of darkness across Gavros every night. Some stories claim the Cloakbearers are servants of Gnet, using this blanket of night to hide her approach toward Gavros across the heavens. Others say the Cloakbearers serve Gavros, placed in the sky before all the other stars to warn him when Gnet arrive. Whatever the truth, all stories agree that without the Cloakbearers night itself could not descend nor retreat. And as all Bridgewalkers know, the stars have little light without the darkness. These spirits control the powerful borders between darkness and light, a practice of exacting discipline with devastating consequences for failure.

The first Bridgewalkers beseeched the Cloakbearers early in the learning of their practice, praying to them in the twilight hours for help deciphering the visions from the stars. Understanding the burden these Bridgewalkers carried, the Cloakbearers descended and helped the fledgling druids. Under their guidance, the Bridgewalkers began to find truth in the stars, and learned to not fear destiny, but welcome it. Without the rituals and practices of control learned from the Cloakbearers, the Bridgewalkers may have never learned to weave together the strands of fate and read the cosmic tale of existence.
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