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Finkelfruzz (FINK-EL-FRUZZ)

The Tricky Taverner (a.k.a. Five Drink)

Finklefruzz, known as the Tricky Taverner, is a divine entity often paid homage to by tavern keepers, comedians, and storytellers. Those that follow Five Drink Finklefruzz often dress in shades of bright green and burnished gold, which they understand to symbolize prosperity and joy.

Divine Domains

Hospitality, Nature, Trickery


The Ring of Rascality

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A tankard overflowing with glowing greenish gold liquid.

Tenets of Faith

Mischief, when kind and clever, is a gift to all.
Divine Classification
Divine Entity
Chaotic Good

Character Portrait image: by Midjourney


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