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Haesmer (HAYS-mer)

(a.k.a. The Shepherd of Laughter, Little Waywyrd One)

Haesmer is a minor divine entity within the Keshloamic Pantheon. Depicted by his followers as a large man with orange eyes and blue-black hair, Haesmer finds particular relevance among those dedicated to the land and to producing food and drink from the bounty of that land.   In some texts, Haesmer is referred to as the "Little Waywyrd One," presumably because of his rejection of his divine parentage.

Divine Domains

Trickery, Tempest, Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A laughing face, often carved into a shepherd's crook.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born of an ancient union between Phoban and Qhenien, Haesmer was destined to live forever as a scion of Life and Light, of the Land and Tranquility.   Haesmer, however, had different plans. He rejected his immortality, preferring instead to live a mortal life among the people. He wandered, earning a reputation of an inclination towards excess and generosity, matched equally with a penchant for boisterousness that gives way to outright rowdiness. He espoused, at top-volume and to anyone that would listen, that light shines on those who laugh, and those who laugh create their own light. His speeches earned him a dedicated following of individuals dedicated to these principles, and counted many druids and bards among their number. Haesmer spent his life wandering from public hall to wedding feast to harvest festival and beyond. Life, in all its delightful chaos, traveled in his wake.   Upon his death--not in an ill-conceived adventure resulting in misfortune, as he would have predicted, but peacefully in his sleep--the adoration and prayers of his followers have elevated him to the status of minor divinity. The irony is not lost on the Shepherd of Laughter
Divine Classification
Divine Entity
Chaotic Good


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