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The Company of the Claret Evening

The Company of the Claret Evening is a mercenary company operating out of Remtalos.   Its ranks are almost entirely populated by vampires, werefolks, and other social outcasts.


The Claret Evening is led by the Deacon. This has been Veloyus Urdrathi since the very beginning. Recently, however, he has begun to express the wish to relinquish control to a "worthy successor." The identity of that successor is as yet unknown, as is the process for selecting said successor.   Under the Deacon are the Sextons. Sextons are responsible for the day to day operations of the Claret Evening. They report directly to the Deacon and are elected by the rank and file clarets.


Veloyus' original intention with the Claret Evening was two fold: one--to give outcasts a way to work in the world; two--to create a revenue stream to support a community of the unwanted and the exiled. In other words, it was conceived as a philanthropic organization from its inception. There are many, still, among the ranks who view that as its chief mission.   Others, however, have taken the view that the objective of the clarets should not be to simply exist in the world, but to lay claim to the world. To their mind, the Claret Evening should accumulate resources and power to exert significant influence over contemporary affairs.

Public Agenda

For much of its history, the Claret Evening was a secret organization, staying in the shadows as it completed its contracts. More recently, however, it has emerged to the world, conducting business in the open.   The Company of the Claret Evening is a mercenary company, and that defines its main objective--to complete contracts for currency.   Much of the profit generated by the Claret Evening goes into supporting Long Shadow--a district within Remtalos. Outcasts--like vampires and werefolk--have created a community in this part of the city.


If the fortunes of Long Shadow are any indication, the the Claret Evening has quite a bit of material wealth at its disposal.   The Manse, the headquarters of the Evening, is also a formidable building, taking up an entire block in Long Shadow.


The Claret Evening was formed in 771 AC by Veloyus Urdrathi--a recently turned vampire. In his previous life, Veloyus was a captain in Erkmek's Few. A contract to eliminate a vampire warlord went sideways and Velovus was killed. He awoke two days later as a vampire. Though several in the Few were sympathetic to his plight, many were not. His new life as vampire bred mistrust and wary looks from most of his former comrades.   Thus, he decided to leave. He wandered for several years, seeking to understand his new life. Through these wanderings, he met many folks like himself--some vampires, some lycanthropes, some something else entirely--all outcasts from their previous communities, their previous lives. He then decided that it was necessary to create a community of outcasts, and he did that the only way he knew how, by founding a mercenary company.   In was in that moment, and in that spirit, that the Company of the Claret Evening was born.

Blood Spilled & Contracts Fulfilled

Founding Date
771 AC
Military, Mercenary Group
Alternative Names
the Claret Evening
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Notable Members


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